First of all, these kittens are adorable. Undoubtedly so.
First of all, these kittens are adorable. Undoubtedly so.
One step closer to making sure that fetuses can get guns for defense against abortions.
There has been a lot of controversy over the website un'ruly's exhibition where women of color held up signs in New…
I'd totally say "vagina" in a mirror three times to have a ghost throw tampons at me. Because hey, free tampons.
There is a very weird kind of veteran in this country - it's the one who feels that because he served in the military (didn't necessarily do anything of actual distinction, was just there), he is basically an Authority on all things American and he now has a special status to dictate to others what is American(tm) and…
Hey, I was told I was abusing my kid for putting him in a swing (which is also apparently correctly known as a "neglect-o-matic.") If you aren't cradling your child in your arms while reading him/her Chaucer while you tend the organic vegetables you are growing, because you're not going to trust manufacturers, are…
1) because unless he wants to be a father, birth control is both your responsibilities and if you are willing to undergo a medical procedure that involves having metal shoved into your uterus, the least he can do is take an afternoon off
I say this as a long time baby-wearer and generally crunchy mom: come on, girl. The judgey tone isn't adding anything useful to the conversation. You can say the same thing and not sound so smug.
I know! Most mascara hurts my eyes. This stuff is awesome.
I read it during a bout of insomnia; so I was just sitting in bed, giggling like a fool at 2am.
I laughed so hard when I read Love and Freindship. I'm still not over the running mad/fainting scene.
This. I eat fairly healthy, and I'm a firm a believer in moderation, but fuck no, I'm never completely giving up bread. I tried Atkins (well, actually, I tried "The Fat Flush Plan," which is both stricter and less insane than Atkins, but same general deal), and eating became such a ridiculous chore that I suspect a…
I will not allow this to happen.
God, fuck PETA so hard. I get that pragmatism is a thing when it comes to no-kill shelters, but PETA doesn't even fucking try and never did. This stupid fucking philosophy of "no animal should be a pet" can go to hell.
yay kitties!!!!
Yes, because if there's ever an article on a woman it must belong on Jezebel. Because women are a tiny insignificant subset, and not half of the fucking population. Jesus Christ.