
You're probably not as bad as you think, just poorly taught like most Americans. As I started homeschooling my kids using the Singapore Math series, I discovered just how poorly taught I was growing up. I learned a downright embarrassing amount from the 1st and 2nd grade Singapore books. Perhaps if I had been taught

My crush on Ellen Page knows no bounds.

Oh come on, you MUST buy it - IT'S ON SALE! Now it's only a thousand dollars more than you'd spend on a functional used car!

Yup! I will think I look pretty spiffy while hamming it up in the mirror but the moment someone shows me a photo or puts one online it's a record scratch moment. It doesn't help that everyone else in my family is crazy photogenic. That gene just skipped me, for some reason.

Ohhh! I toured a house once that had a bed with a similar theme, but the trees were palm trees. It was carved out of wood and amazing.

I would totally manage to poke my eye out on that. It is beautiful though.

Ahhhh I've been ogling that bed for forever, sooo expensive though! Anything that looks like trees, I want!

We are looking for a bed - and I clicked on your link and heard angels singing. Why? Why do I have knowledge in my heart of this glorious bed; when I know we'll just get something totally boring. I am in love with this bed. Signed, First World Problems

Come on guys, it's on sale.

Oh holy hell, I've been drooling over that bed for YEARS. Yep, were I too buy an absurdly expensive bed it would totes be that one.


$4,000!?!? It's beautiful, but daaaaamn.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

A pox on all people who think that the amount given at a wedding should match the 'per head' cost of that wedding. A massive pox.

I agree there. I eat meat. I like meat. I will destroy all those who attempt to stop me from eating meat. Until then though, no problem.

And I bet if you'd been calm, they wouldn't believe you because you don't "seem traumatized", and if you'd been upset, they wouldn't believe you because "you're obviously hysterical, and not a reliable source of information"

I can see why some cultures believe cameras steal your soul. I know I don't look this terrible in every day life. Do I? God, what if I'm just walking around like this?

Barf. How are people so ignorant?

Me, too! I like what I see in the mirror, but if a photograph isn't professionally taken and retouched (hello, wedding album), then I usually look odd and unflattering in it. Result: I do not like pictures. My own camera has some landscapes from hiking which occasionally include my husband and a ton of cats.

This one was my vom-inducing breaking point: