
Yeah, me too. My attitude was along the lines of, "why would I want to read a book about some other human kid? I'm already one of those, and this kid ain't got shit on me."

the bearenstein bears!!!!! holy shit, i am feeling all the feels right now

I went to school for illustration and took some classes where we made little comics for children. The teacher straight out recommended drawing animals or creatures as protagonists, because they can be whatever race the child projects onto them (and can be genderless too.)

ZMOG! Berenstain Bears! I had ALL of those books.

I was actually thinking about that when I was looking at the photo they are using as the header. The characters appear to be bears, chickens, ducks, and dogs, a black princess, and a white girl (boy?) in the book the little girl is holding. I'm not saying the issue they are bringing up doesn't exist, but it seems like

Same here- Dr. Suess were my favorites, and those were mostly raceless things like pale green pants with nobody inside them.

The Berenstain Bears were my FAVORITES growing up!!!!

“At what point must a female Senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognized over the male colleagues in the room?”

Here's what I learned from my Facebook feed this morning:

Rand Paul, Filibuster-er: American Hero
Wendy Davis, Filibuster-er: Hindering democratic process; uppity bitch; pro-death

Okay, time for honesty!

You know what hurts the newspaper the most? If no one buys it.

Those ears!!!

In other words: we need more white people having babies at a younger age to improve the fertility rate so we don't need immigrants.

I wish I could recommend this twice.

It passed. It fucking passed. They said the crowd cheering acted as a timeout, allowing them to illegally cast the vote after midnight. This is illegal. How the fuck can this shit happen.

I love you

So, a man opposed to her position is the person who gets to unilaterally decide if she was off topic? Yeah, that seems a bit fishy.

Anyone else expecting a Red Wedding type ending to this evening?