
She had a 3.59 and was an entirely unexceptional applicant. She did not have any particular reason to be admitted.

Adding, "OUT OF MY DICK" to anything makes it like, 80 times better. I did the math (out of my dick). My poor husband is about to hear aaaall about my fictional dick tonight.

I went to the shoppe called Ye Olde Babeland and did there purchase a fine-looking wooden dildo but was dissatisfied. Perchance I will visit Goode Vibrations on the morrow to find another that does not splinter. *woodcut of a woman giving side eye*

...she had the qualifications to get into the school and she was denied, but people who had the same or lesser qualifications got in because their race earned them extra points.

Check your facts again; she did not meet the qualifications to get in at the time. Also she had the chance to transfer after a year or two if her grades were good but she decided not to pursue that route.

In a straightforward world, she was absolutely "discriminated against" - she had the qualifications to get into the school and she was denied, but people who had the same or lesser qualifications got in because their race earned them extra points.

I want to do that RIGHT now. That sounds like fun!

He'll grow out of those shoes so fast!!!!

I'll try to be nice... oh screw it.

What, you don't want to go back to Olden Times, where everyone shared the same laundry list of STDs, and ladies had pregnancy turnaround times not unlike McDonald's employment? Lame.

Listen. If this lady were handing out legal advice as a non-lawyer, she would be engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.

Fuck, I did not want to deal with heavy sweet stuff this morning. On the other hand, meet Fred. Picked him up from a rescue on Friday.

I like that it's now news when Chris Brown doesn't assault a woman.

And everything ever.

And the Dragonball movie.

Well, that worked out so well for The Last Airbender.

also if you're going to make the turtles aliens instead of mutants then you could even add more poc characters, because apparently taking liberties is something that's cool.

Nope. I want Shredder AND Splinter to both be played by Asian actors, considering they're both Asian in the tv show/all the comics (originals and the contemporary series IDW is publishing right now).

It's hard to appreciate someone's work when they're such a douchebag. :/