
I work in retail. I have dealt with people like this. There is a special circle of hell reserved just for them.

And here I would be OVER THE MOON if my husband and I could make, say, $50k between the two of us.

...and fiber, and vitamins, and antioxidants, and...

Well, no kidding.

I'm going on a week-long trip to Canada next month with my co-workers. It will be by far the longest period of time my husband and I have spent apart. And I already get a little nauseous just thinking about it. Clearly, I am not a person for whom an LDR would be a satisfying thing.

Jeez, I already have a sub-par sense of smell as it is. Just one more reason to avoid hormonal BC, I guess.

Wishy-washy, fence-sitting yogurt!

Truer words were never spoken.


I'm apparently a failure as a woman because I fucking hate yogurt.

Well apparently your standard for "thrills" is way, way, below mine. And I'm one of the most boring people I know.

Regardless, there are still far, far fewer accidents involving roller coasters than cars.

Preachin' to the choir. I've been to CP many times :)

Oh, I know. I've been there loads of times.

I've been to Cedar Point seven times with no incident. Forgive me if I'm not that worried.

Yeah, so...I'm going to Cedar Point in a couple of weeks. And to be honest, I'm still going to ride all of the roller coasters.

His skin looks ok to me. But yeah he was probably terrible.

So fucking what? Boobs are the original sippy cups. If it offends your delicate sensibilities, stop staring.