
Except for the fact that milk is an edible substance. Are you going to freak the fuck out if a toddler is drinking milk from a sippy cup?

Uh, yeah, I think they do need to be responded to if they try to get me kicked out of a place. This has happened to a couple of my breastfeeding friends. My friend was breastfeeding in the mall and a security guard told her she needed to go to a bathroom or leave because there had been "complaints." Fuck that. I had

You're really going to equate feeding a baby with taking a shit? Ok then.

That was my thought too. I get bruises on my legs a LOT. Often I don't even remember how I got them. My husband's like, "people are going to think I beat you!" and I'm like, "What, on the legs? Get real."

“I usually don’t like to breastfeed in public because people can be judgmental,”

Some animals are JUST TOO BIG to be kept in captivity.

The only noteworthy piece I had is a vintage original framed Madame Butterfly poster from the Metropolitan Opera. I have no idea what that says about me.

"At the end I advise you to come back home, adopt the Islamic and pushtoon culture, join any female Islamic madrassa near your home town, study and learn the book of Allah, use your pen for Islam and plight of Muslim ummah and reveal the conspiracy of tiny elite who want to enslave the whole humanity for their evil

Aw, poor Detroit. Just can't catch a break. Also, fun fact: it is the only American city to have ever surrendered to a foreign power. But hey, at least the Red Wings are awesome.

Gross. Every diet soda I have ever tried—diet Dr. Pepper included—has tasted like chemicals and shame. If I'm gonna have a soda, I'm gonna have the real goddamn thing.

You know what? There are just some days, when, for whatever reason, I just don't orgasm. The sex can be great, but sometimes I can just tell it's not going to end in an orgasm (for me). And THAT IS OK. I don't HAVE to orgasm every time. My husband understands this. Sometimes I gently push him away with my foot and

Croissants are best!

I'm mostly irritated with how severely knock-kneed and pigeon-toed they all are.

Nutella with raspberry preserves is where it's at! I have that for dessert sometimes.

My husband doesn't watch porn and only rarely masturbates. It's not unheard of.

Robin Thicke skeeves me out. I just get major creepy jerk vibes from him.

Uh, do bars really just let you bring in outside food? Is that really a thing?

I am so glad I was a newborn in 1988 and therefore incapable of remembering any of this firsthand.

Holy shit. This would be me: