
If that works for you, great. But I personally am not going to endure painful sex long enough to "get used to it."


Wait, what?

Yeah, it'll fit. Fucking PAINFULLY.

Yeah, but unless I'm super in love with you or something, I'm not going to put myself through that pain for an unspecified period of time with the hope that it'll just go away.

Enormous penis + tiny vagina = pain and discomfort (for many women). That's not "shaming," that's tellin' it like it is. If you didn't realize that before now, well, I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.

A woman is in charge at Xbox? Awesome!

This gif has made my day. Possibly my week. Maybe my life?

I was lamenting as well, and my mother-in-law is like "Do you want us to TiVo it for you?"


Average-sized dicks 4EVA. I have a fairly small vagina, and my husband's average-sized dick fits perfectly. Any bigger and I feel like I'd be distinctly uncomfortable.

You know, I thought so too at first, but it has been SO hard for me to find good shorts that frankly I just don't even care anymore what they cost. Besides, I had a coupon.

Aw, thanks!

The woman in front of me in the McDonald's drive-through the other night was absolutely, positively wasted. Completely and utterly plastered. "Tipsy" would not even BEGIN to cover what she was.

I leave them totally unrolled, myself. Options for everybody!

I got married at 23. To the first and only guy I've ever been with. And you know what? It was the best choice I've ever made. We are stupidly happy together. Sure, I could think about what it would be like to have experimented more or to have been with more guys, but what good is that going to do me? I'm absolutely

Once again, I recommend these to anyone looking for shorts that actually have a little length to them! No worries about showing off your ass to the world.

By this point shouldn't people know better than to pay money to see her live?

Because it's completely impossible for a man to have a chummy platonic relationship with a woman, right?

I don't think it's at all unreasonable to wish that one of THREE playable characters might be a woman.