
Except for the fact that I am not representative of 100% of women. Plenty of women who are not me DO like GTA, and would appreciate female characters.

This woman seriously needs to shut her face. And I say this as someone who DID end up with an MRS degree (unintentionally) along with my for-real degree.

So...not wanting to feel a gross soggy pad against your vulva all day = anti-feminst?

Agreed. I actually liked Red Dead.

All of it. Literally nothing appeals to me. No the gameplay. Not the characters. Nothing.

If you have ever enjoyed video games, you will pick up a copy of GTAV.

The GTA games have just NEVER appealed to me. Not ever. Every time a new one comes out I think, "Oh, maybe I'll give this one a try..." and then "haha, who am I kidding?"

I have awful, terrible feet. And I could not give less of a shit what people think of them. Yeah, I'll wear my flip-flops all summer long. Whatcha gonna do about it?

Yeah, I don't like her work either. I was a bad English major.

My tea either has to have like 15 tbsp of sugar in it, or none at all. It's gotta be one extreme or the other. None of that wishy-washy business in the middle.

I would love to have kids. But realistically, looking at how much we make vs. our expenses, it's just NOT going to happen for at least 3-4 more years. Maybe longer, even. It would be irresponsible for me to deliberately have a baby right now and I know it.

I used to want several kids (I'm the oldest of four myself—I liked having a big family). Now, though? Frankly it'll probably be one, maaaaaybe two. Eventually. Someday.

Honestly, our house is the best purchase my husband and I have ever made. Granted, we live in the Midwest where houses are extremely affordable, but even still. Yeah, we had to live with my mom for a while to be able to afford to buy a home, but it was so worth it.

ME TOO. Jeez that would suck.

UGH. That's awful. And stupid. And infuriating.

Alas, he is an only child.

Reason #176524 why I love my husband:

I have a great ass, but I also have veeeery voluptuous thighs. Getting into and out of skinny jeans is far more effort than I care to devote my time to.

Just black, sorry.Maybe they'll make more colors in the future though.