
It was new as of last summer.

Well, obviously it's satire. That doesn't make it any less hilarious.

My husband and I have been married nearly 3 years. That's not really that long, I know, but our marriage thus far has been incredibly happy and fulfilling. We never fight (nothing more serious than a small argument over chores or something, anyway). We respect each other. We never take each other for granted. Being

If you want dark, serious thrillers: Naoki Urasawa. Especially Monster and 20th Century Boys.


You guys—you need to get your hands on Austen's short story "Love and Freindship" (that's not a typo—that's really how she spelled it). She wrote it when she was like 14 and it is hysterical. It is SO melodramatic and ridiculous. It's glorious.

I genuinely could not give less of a fuck how terrible bread may or may not be for you. Bread 4LYFE.

Aw thanks. I think so too—awesome, if not exciting.

I LOVELOVELOVE my panini maker. I use to whip out a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches or quesadillas in no time flat.

The Lord of the Rings movies. I mean, I love to read and all, but reading Tolkein always feels like such a goddamned chore to me.

I respectfully disagree about Howl's Moving Castle. It's my favorite book of all time, and frankly, as much as I like the movie, it doesn't even come close. Miyazaki definitely wanted to shove in a lot of stuff that wasn't in the book (the anti-war stuff, which is a fine message in and of itself, but...it's out of

SHIT. I just posted this—I didn't see you had beaten me to it!

Now playing

I recommend the soundtracks from nearly all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies. Joe Hisaishi is a fucking genius, and one of the best modern composers, IMO.

My biggest milestones:

WHOA. Hipster Power Girl looks almost EXACTLY like a friend of mine. Wow.

That is all.

I haven't played Pokemon is years. Still have my beloved Blue version though! Unless you count Pokemon Snap. Who doesn't love Pokemon Snap?

My friend always complains about being pale, and it makes me crazy because she seriously has THE most gorgeous Victorian complexion. She looks like Snow White.

I feel like I'm seriously letting feminism down for being genuinely, irrevocably, appallingly terrible at math.