
I don't know who this Rob Delaney fellow is but...

Well, wish me luck because my husband and I are (hopefully) going to begin the final stages of our year-long saga of refinishing the living room floor. It's been...an adventure. :-/

I assure you I could not. I am notoriously un-handy, un-crafty, and un-any-skills-related-to-building-things.

Right?! Which is why I'll never have in in real life. Still, it's fun to daydream.

This woman needs a fucking reality check. The proper response when you get get a cash gift OF ANY AMOUNT is nothing less than "thank you."

If I were ever going to buy a crazy expensive bed (and let's face it—I never am), it would be THIS.

I have no beef (heh) with anybody's diet as long they let me be my badass omnivore self in peace. Period.

RT @NickZednem: Not being sexist, but guys have more common sense than females

I'm one of those weird people who is super cute in person (or in the mirror), but I almost NEVER photograph well. I have no idea why that is. I look at pictures of myself and I'm like "WTF is this sorcery? I look fucking terrible."

My husband and I do. They aren't ideal, but I don't fancy the other options available, frankly.

Well I started to but then was like, "Oh, it's just the OP getting schooled 70+ times. Boring."

Being hot/well dressed and being a geek are not mutually exclusive. Not by a long shot.

I think they might have been Trojans. It was a while ago.

I'm pretty lucky that my student loan debt is only about $6,000. However, my husband has a lot more than I do since he's in grad school. We won't have to start paying his loans back until probably 2015, but if he hasn't gotten a secure full-time job by then...well, let's just say, I worry about it.

"She makes strawberry pie for her husband. She knows all the best ways to kill fungus zombies (hint: Molotov cocktails. Lots of them)."

Oh man, that is PERFECT. Source? I wanna share that with certain people on my FB.

I would be happy to have condoms that didn't make my vagina smell like burnt rubber afterwards. That was not fun.

No, Jeremy, THIS is a meat wallet:

Jeez, why the complete 180?

I try VERY hard to avoid any and all political discussion, but that doesn't always work. Yesterday we argued about DOMA being struck down in CA. It's hard—it really is. I just try to stockpile current events tidbits that can't be connected to politics (though sometimes she still finds a way) before I visit her. When