
This makes me so nervous for what could happen in my state.

I feel your pain. Except in my case my mother, whom I love dearly, is a straight-up, diehard, Fox-News-on-24/7, conservative Republican.

Unfortunately they closed all of the Sonics in my entire state (WTF?!). :(

Oh man, I LOVE green tea ice cream. And I can't find it in stores. The only time I ever eat it is at my favorite sushi bar.

Oh man. If a random cat came into my house, I'd be like, "This is your home now. The universe has made it so."

I have a really tasty green tea with lemon blend that is DELICIOUS when hot...but still kind of weird tasting when cold. Today I tried iced green tea with peach flavor, and that was also soapy tasting. I think I'm just doomed to stick to hot green tea.

I'm more inclined to think asparagus is the devil's vegetable, but green peppers are, at the very least, vegetables of seriously ill repute.

Nope, I LOVE cilantro. Green peppers, however, also have that soapy taste (to me).

It ALWAYS tastes soapy though. Even if I get it at a restaurant or something. I'll have to try cold-brewing and see if that helps though.

Guys, why is that hot green tea is so delicious, but iced green tea tastes like soap? Is something wrong with my taste buds?

But Canada gave us Metric, so it evens out a bit.

I'll post one of my cat, if it makes you feel any better:

My only advice is this: try focusing on meeting people with at least one major shared interest. My husband and I got to know each other and bonded over our mutual love of video games. Our first date was laser tag and me kicking his ass at Street Fighter in the arcade. We've been married nearly 3 years now and couldn't

I'm pretty sure I would rather live in a cardboard box than have roommates (other than the one I'm married to and my cat!) at this stage of my life.

Bacon is delicious. I mean, it makes salads edible, for God's sake.

Here's a baby sand cat!

This is my little guy:

Piercings just squick me out so bad. That may or may not having something to do with my earring getting ripped through my earlobe as a kid.

Honestly, Pippa.....