
I absolutely can't bring myself to be mad at a school for wanting to prohibit drug use on its grounds. Sorry not sorry.

I get super sleepy after an orgasm and I'm a lady.

Please tell me you recycle them!

Huh. And here I've been giving my mom shit for YEARS about buying plastic spoons SPECIFICALLY for her yogurt. She's like, "it just tastes better!"

My receipts prove an addiction to iced chai and books.

I'm lucky enough to have a cat that greets me enthusiastically when I come home. Frankly, I'll take it.

Gee, THANK YOU for that necessary clarification.

Thank you for this. I'm a woman who has been gaming for over 20 years, and I have never felt truly welcome in Kotaku's comment threads. I'm looking forward to a bit of a change.

Animals and children can't consent you goddamn fucking moron.

The American Girl books had nonwhite characters (Addie, Josephina, etc.), but I agree they weren't the majority.

Oh yeah, forgot about those!

My cat LOVES watching the kittens.

It's the Little Critter series.

In case anybody wants MORE kittens (24/7):

Most of the kiddie books I read had animals as the protagonists.....

This is how I feel regarding these asshat GOP jerkfaces right now.