
Miraculously, we never got one stuck so high that we couldn't reach it. Also, nobody fell and broke their necks, so yay for that.

But an ENTIRE WALL of shoes? Come on.

When I was a kid, my friends and I played this game where we would chuck our Beanie Babies up into this giant tree, attempting to get them stuck in the branches, then climb up and get them down. I'm not really sure what the point of this was, but we enjoyed it.

"mankind has existed for a pretty long time without anyone ever having to give a sex-ed lesson to anybody."

Let me just say—no child of mine will have a walk-in closet before I do.

Oh for fuck's sake. You sound like a terrible human being. If somebody pickpockets you, call the goddamn police instead of trying to hurt the offender's feelings.

And the fat-shamers come flooding in.... Let's keep them, gray, ok?

His unbridled narcissism makes me shudder.

You'd think I was wearing them on my toes, the way some people react.

No, this soap is vegetarian!

Um....where does "round face with a cute button nose" fall on the spectrum?

I would say something like: "Ok, I think it would be fairest if the person in the larger bedroom pays a little more in rent. Do you agree with that?" Then I would move into, "So, on a scale of 1-10, how strongly do you care about which room you get?" Hopefully she won't care too much, but if she does you might have to

My only advice is to tell him, very clearly and directly, exactly WHY you're breaking up with him, and make sure his is 100% aware that he could have stopped this, but didn't.

Does it REEEALLY matter? I wear my wedding ring on my left hand and my engagement ring on my right hand, which I have been told repeatedly is absurd and wrong.

If you don't mind subtitles, Departures is a really good Japanese film about a guy who gets a job preparing bodies for burial, a profession which is looked down on quite a bit in Japan, and basically has to hide it from his wife and neighbors.

If you're looking to go bold or go home, this is one of my favorite lip colors.

I sell soap. It's my job. I own more soap than I know what to do with. Hand washing is not an issue for me. Sometimes I'll just go and wash my hands for the hell of it, no toilet use required.

What's the point of oral sex?

I cannot BELIEVE that, with all the great questions out there that need answering, people are actually wasting their time on this one.


Adorable animal videos with excessively poor visual quality make me sad :(