

My husband is in grad school to be a school counselor. His DREAM is to get a French bulldog, have it certified as a therapy dog, and bring it to school with him.

Dear PUAs:

Is this a serious question?

Midwestern Pleasant Face! Yes! That is exactly what it is, and I'm plagued with it.

Mine too! Seriously one of the most beautiful movies ever, let alone Miyazaki.

Yeah, just go on and give all the MRA asshats more ammunition. That's helpful.

Someone gave us a book on how to have a proper traditional Christian marriage. We laughed and laughed at that one.

Hell, I WISH someone had gotten us a fun food basket for a wedding gift! It would have gotten more use than the wrong-color napkins and place mats languishing in box somewhere.

Miley Cyrus is the human embodiment of trying too hard.

Guess it's a good thing your opinion doesn't mean shit in the context of the bigger picture.

I don't drink coffee because it tastes like burnt mud. I do, however, love the SHIT out of tea. Especially chai.

I thought I was the only one.

Normally I'm pretty live and let live about people's lifestyles and marriage choices.

ETA: Somehow this gif posted twice. I was going to remove one, but you know what? No. This deserves double "fuck you".

My husband takes bubble baths and uses my face masks. This is not a big deal, universe. It's really not.

You do you, vegans, you do you. Me, I'm going to keep on keepin' on as an omnivore. Everybody eat what they want and don't give other people shit for eating what they want and we will all be a lot happier for it.

I love being married. I love being a wife. I love my husband. I am 100% happy with our arrangement. It's not for everybody, of course, but the institution of marriage as I'm experiencing it is A-ok in my book.

I guess I'll have to practice screeching "GET OOOOOOOOOOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" liked a crazed banshee, then.