The EU is likely to do everything they can to ice the UK, they have to send a strong signal to the rest of the union that leaving is not in anyone's best interest, and they're probably right for better or worse.
The EU is likely to do everything they can to ice the UK, they have to send a strong signal to the rest of the union that leaving is not in anyone's best interest, and they're probably right for better or worse.
From what little I’ve read a bit may. The direct effect will likely be muted. But it will signal to other financially well off countries that leaving is an option (especially if the UK manages to weather the storm) which increases the chance that those countries leave. Assuming that all comes to pass the Euro would…
Going to guess you aren’t disabled. Virtually all of this country’s equality law has been enforced by European courts. There goes that.
My thoughts with all the ex-pats in EU states and foreigners living in the UK not knowing whether they will be asked to leave their homes.
It’s amazing how many people in the UK are willing to destroy their economy in order to get rid of “undesirables.”
I was skeptic before,but now I have no doubt there will be a world war 3 in my lifetime
The longer I’m watching the results come in, the harder it is for me to get the lines “the lamps are going out all across Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime” and “what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?” out of my head.
I’m really interested to see the email all the non-UK students at my university (more than half the student body) get if this passes.
In the U.S., we are watching Trump. I empathize.
I am sitting here, at dawn, watching my country put worker’s rights, human rights, equality and protection for the disabled, and the UK economy on a bonfire, for the sake of some Union-jack-bunting “patriotism”, on the say-so of ghouls like Farage and Duncan-Smith. (Whatever happens next won’t touch them. They will…
I’ve found their plus-size dresses tonbe very, very cute. It’s embarrassing. I have three dresses from them and they are the pieces that garner the most compliments.
Considering that YouTube already has Content ID and other systems in place to take down videos that use copyrighted music without permission, this is a bad idea that will hurt creative freedom and fair use.
I almost feel like they are standing at the top of the mountain and want that chilling effect on the one’s below them. Fuck it, I am 100% sure.
And in unrelated news, stock in Colt, Smith and Wesson, Heckler and Koch and various other firearms manufacturers is going up, up, and up! And further unrelated news, LaPierre is sizing up that lakeside mansion he’s always wanted, the large one that’s not so big as to be garish, but just large enough to say, “I’m…
The Roanoke reporter and camera operator getting gunned down on live tv didn’t change their minds, either. I don’t even think a massive televised attack would do it.
Thanks for the fearmongering, Lapierre. Now we’ve got armed untrained civilians blasting away at shoplifters:
You are not alone. I am so fucking ragey about the state of this country.
I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.
I mean, Sandy Hook didn’t get the NRA to change its tune, and its membership likes kindergarteners way more than gay club-goers at Latin Night.