
It’s honestly better to stop arguing with folks who are so deluded they actually think that a) Obama is a muslim and b) it shouldn’t matter if he was. He’s not, but who cares at this point. My dad, who I thought was reasonable about politics told me he was scared that the U.S. would succumb to Sharia Law under Obama.

Think of all the 5 year olds, deprived of their chance to pull a coal cart for a farthing a day! The elderly and decrepit and mentally ill, all kept from their rightful position in a sweatship, behind chained doors, making shoes for pennies a week! An unemployed America is a morally bankrupt America, which is how you

Trump Supporter: My penis doesn’t work and I can’t bend over to tie my shoes. I haven’t challenged myself mentally in 25 years and loud sounds frighten me. This is all the fault of people who write poop jokes on the internet.

We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.

This seems an appropriate thread to mention what she wanted for her obituary, thanks to Vanity Fair catching this in Wishful Drinking.

There’s a very sweet tweet from a clearly shocked Graham Norton as well.

The Gary Fisher one is what destroyed my heart.

I requested donations to PP for Christmas this year. I haven’t added it up, but I think my relatives donated about $500 in my name this x-mas

I’ve had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home with the kids. In every case, the woman still did pretty much everything — the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, all the childcare when she wasn’t at work. The man was considered to be doing such a valiant and noble thing for “giving up his career”

My one cousin is with a guy who doesn’t work and he doesn’t hel with the house or their child. She works and does those things. To me, it’s not worth it to have someone who’s not going to help. They actually broke up but he came back. I was disappointed when she took him back.

A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary

Over 60 years old here… relationships have come and gone, but at least I can say I’ve escaped the legal and financial consequences of marriage.

What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.

Best lesson I learned in 7th grade, never travel to someone elses neighborhood to fight them. If you can’t lure them to your block, beat them up on the bus (or some other neutral territory).

“Ladies, ladies. Don’t fuss over politics. So complex and boring. Why, you’ll give yourself forehead wrinkles thinking about that stuff. You just concern yourself with those sexy thigh-high boots, alrighty?”

I can’t believe Tucker Carlson was ever a thing

I was waiting for you guys to write about this...Duca handled herself so well considering she was being screamed at by a legitimate psycho

There’s nothing better than being an educated woman and being mansplained to because you dare to have more than one interest (fashion, politics)! Can’t possibly be both, I guess! And the kicker? If a woman looks terrible, they’ll tell her to brush up on her fashion. Fuck these men.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.

I can’t believe Tucker Carlson is still a thing.