
Ah yes, the old hate on PewDiePie bandwagon. You know I don’t care for his videos, or the way he presents himself and I don’t watch him but...


By “old” I mean “is widely mentioned in 60s and 70s anthropology books” not “dug up with the Rosetta stone”.

It’s long been a theory that fascism (or one of its authoritarian siblings) rises every 3 generations, when those with direct contact with the horror die out, and there’s no-one to recognise the warning signs.

Perhaps this is a bit O/T but I’ve always been curious about the mentality of these white supremacists, whose belief system is based on the genetic superiority of the white race but every single one of them look like, well, like Roof: skinny, unhealthy and clearly genetically damaged. I just don’t understand how they

he just wants a soapbox

On the downside, neo-nazis are going to be carrying around the transcripts of his defense like Mao’s Little Red Book for decades...

The “fool for a client” thing only really applies when you assume the defendant’s goal is to be acquitted or to get an advantageous plea deal. Roof isn’t going to see the light of day ever again without handcuffs and he knows that; he just wants a soapbox before he gets warehoused in a concrete box for the rest of his

None of the above.

Should I be happy? Nervous? Anxious? Scared? So many feelings i need to lay down

Fun fact: $18 million in NYC is worth the exact same amount as $18 million in DC, or Montana or anywhere. Namely: $18 million.

we are effectively living in a science fiction nightmare.

Urban planning and infrastructure falls under the purview of design, Darcoby.

The NHS is a loss leader, there is absolutely no point in treating it like a business. If you do you get the American healthcare model.

Who do you think is going to cover the cost in the end? Working class people who have to live and commute in the entire metropolitan area, through tolls and taxes. But fuck ‘em, amiright? 

I just did some quick math at 45 weekends a year and just the landing cost alone is 18 million. Holy shit. And that does not account the cost going up nor the other impacts. And people complained when Obama goes to Hawaii and saying it costs the taxpayers too much.

Agreed! The bigger waste is ‘modernizing’ the NHS. Every few years it gets ‘modernized’ which means blowing bigger and bigger chunks of its budget on expensive and inefficient equipment buys and bureaucratic overhauls that drain money from actually providing healthcare!

I know several people who have visited Buckingham Palace for formal reasons, and been through the “off camera” parts.

It is really, really freaking annoying how many people are using this as an example of ‘crazy government misspending.’ Yes, they should damn well get their heads out of their arises and stop ‘austerity’. But they should also stop our historic landmarks from catching fire!