
She will win both. The other problem with polls is that, because of methodology (hello landlines) they tend to skew older, whiter and more male.

At a certain point you just have to be like [jack‐o motion] and do you.

I hope we’re all actually genuinely worried about the election at this point. Here’s Huffington Post’s trend, in the Clinton vs Trump polling.

This is utterly disgusting. Both for the ad’s content and for the fact that THIS SHIT IS WORKING.

Y’know... I caucused for Bernie. I gave money to his campaign. I went to one of his rallies. And I agree with you 100%. I am appalled at his lack of response to how disgustingly some of his supporters are behaving, and I am extremely turned off at his current scorched-earth campaign strategy.

This is my fear as well. We need to focus on defeating Trump. And right now... we aren’t.

He’s doing worse than chilling: he’s actually thawing out the icy attitudes from the RNC and GOP establishment, and slowly bringing them on board.

Ah, yes... screaming into the Twitter void because JUSTICE and ADVOCACY!

This campaign year is exhausting me.

I’ve had to block people like this from my newsfeed on Facebook because it’s just too much. I don’t think people like those who responded to Lange are representative of all of Sanders supporters, but they’re very vocal and I think they’re doing more harm than good to his cause.

“Lost my temper.” BULLSHIT. This was predetermined. He brought that knife to meet her.

As a Meghan I am highly offended by the suggestion that my name looks like a cough. /navigates away from page with very forceful click of the touchpad.

That’s so dope of her!

God, I cried just reading the article, before I got to the video. Poor girl. Good on Florence Welch.

We have don’t have the ability to move or temporarily house 11 million people. Any large population internment camp will quickly become inadequately manned and lack the necessary facilities. Large amounts of people in an inadequate and small area is a concentration camp.

That and it is basically an ethnic cleansing

The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.

That’s what I’m thinking. People who are saying Trump’s plan is like the Holocaust or that he’ll build concentration camps are being ridiculous. But if this pans out the way he has proposed, comparing it to internment camps and Kristallnacht is actually a fair analogy.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.


You know, my first instinct was to think he was Godwining himself. But then you read things like this: