
Where I work, all the “support staff” are women except for one man who is being groomed for bigger and better things. The women get hardly any career mentoring or advice. Everyone always acts surprised when they see the guy filing papers. How has the “women = secretary” mentality not changed since the 60s?

Lady, run! That guy looks like he’s going to eat your face! Don’t become the food budget to some toothy 50s zombie!

Damn. It’s good that such a provision exists in the Consitution but it bothers me so much that anyone can call themselves a pastor, rent out a building and rake in money for a “church” while doing massive harm like this asshole. :/

Shouldn’t they at least be opened with the approval of, say, a religious official? Like, I don’t think you can open a Catholic church without the approval of the archdiocese or something?

I don’t understand how people can make their own fly by night churches. It’s a total scam. A get rich quick scheme run by charismatic spiritual snake oil salesmen. It’s a quick way to make money off gullible fools while spouting off hate as they hide behind whatever wrong headed, backwards flavor of Christanity is in

BCO is the highlight of my Monday’s. I can not wait to continue to read them on Wonkette. Kitchenette will be greatly missed but you did awesome work here. I raise my monogrammed thermos in your honor, sir.

Oh for fuck’s sake, it’s STRETCHING. I had no idea it was possible for a culture to have dibs on breathing and stretching. I have no idea what those emails are even trying to say.

The thing that really boils my blood about all this hateful talk is that no big news organizations are calling them out in this shit. No one on CNN is saying it’s hate speech. There are no articles at the New York Times going “hey, wait a minute, let’s not re-live 1933-1945”. Why are they being silent? I don’t get it.

I love you for making this reference.

;D All good. I feel there’s an odd amount of pressure to watch things lately and some bizarre social shaming that goes along with it (“you don’t watch [show]? WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU OMG WATCH IT RIGHT NOW YOUR LIFE IS EMPTY WITHOUT IT”).

No worries. Take care of yourself.

I am so out of fucks to give. I am backordered on fucks. I have called my fucks supplier and they said they said they’re fresh out too. I’m having such a weird time in my life right now.

There are not enough hours in the day to tell you where you have gone wrong here. But that’s okay, you don’t seem particularly interested in listening. I have other windmills to go tilt at. Good luck with... all of this.

Nah, I’m good.

Indeed. What else could it be? Grifters gonna grift.

*laugh* Outstanding. You are a piece of work. Welp, good luck with all that.

Oh, well, with such a winning personality I’m sure to give you money now. *eye roll*


I don’t think the comment section on Jezebel is the place to ask for donations for anything.

I could never get into Broad City (too much stoner humor) but dear god, this was funny. And had way more meat in it than Anna Kendrick’s rather lackluster Star Wars Battlefront commercial.