
Seriously, you guys are so crazy in your love of smoking. Yah, me saying I think you can get away with not smoking means historical accuracy bothers me. If there isn’t at least 20 anachronism’s in a show I just rage. Grr. Argh.

Sorry random internet stranger but I think I will have to go with the studies that were done that show that smoking in movies can have an affect on teen smoking. I mean it is was a close one between research and “I don’t know a single person” but sometimes you just have to chose.

That jump scare/graphic horror thing is such a false comparison. That would be like if I said we we should take kissing out of romance movies.

I guess I felt the alcohol and drug use adequately portrayed that. And as for not ringing true that would probably be dependent on someone’s specific knowledge of the NYC art scene.

Um okay except I made no declarative statements like that. It would be more akin if you said my father is an alcoholic so thus I wish shows wouldn’t have an excessive amount of alcohol consumption when it is not integral to the plot.

I feel like you don’t know what the word entitlement means. I don’t like smoking and personally don’t think it is needed. I literally just stated my opinion. I didn’t say there should be a boycott of movies with smoking. I didn’t say we should retroactively go and change cigarettes to something like a lollipop. I

I was excited when I first heard about this until I read it was only for shows geared to a younger age. I hate seeing smoking. It was hard for me to get through the show Russian Doll because of how much she was smoking. I get for some areas or time periods it is “historical” but I personally don’t think it is needed.

She probably doesn’t care about him in anyway. That isn’t an indictment against him or her. She probably has a very brief unmemorable exchange with him, like she does with dozens of people on a frequent basis, and then it doesn’t stick in her head. His fame is minor enough compared to people she is use to that that

Plus I have watched all these movies and it always takes a bit to process who he is without his long hair and getup. Does she even have scenes with him? I think it is not at all surprising that she doesn’t remember people. Her roles have gotten very small and limited to mostly RDJ. She probably meets tons of people on

Maybe I am biased because of her fantastic portrayal of Sloan on The Newsroom but why do you assume she is stupid?

I was reading some articles about what you can do to help the executor of your estate and even that is a lot of work. I imagine actually having to be the one to do it, especially if nothing was prepared beforehand, would be really difficult.

Nah, this kind of shitty behavior has been around for years with no change in the writing.  They pick their favorites who could club a baby seal in public and this site would find a way to justify it. And those they don’t like can never do anything without rancor.  Of course there is never any real explanation for why

Except this would never have been said about the other singers that this site glorifies to an obsessive degree even though they show just as much skin.

You might not inherit anything because the estate is wiped out but if you don’t cosign any loans or have your name anything you are not on the hook for someone else’s debt just because they were your parent. Granted it does complicate dealing with the estate but it isn’t something they have to pay off. In fact,

This confuses me. Your mom can’t leave you any debt. Debt doesn’t transfer to you.

And they so easily could have just referenced his previous quote about inheritance and actually had a decent commentary/reporting about who usually actually gets an inheritance and how often generational wealth is manifested well before the parent dies. Like do some actual real journalism instead of just snarky

I will have to try that!  Thank you!

I am in my late 30's and I have been thinking of starting birth control pills because I am just So. Fucking. Tired. Of. Having. A. Period. I think I am pretty middle of the ground when it comes to heaviness and length so I feel like I am being melodramatic about not wanting to deal with this anymore. I only get cramps

I felt it was a combination of Twitter Trolls and Trump. I did not take this as an indictment against anyone critiquing her music. This whole article was a very weird take. Hopefully they had a good stretch before all that reaching.

I like that she didn’t take credit herself. I feel a lot of celebrities would have.