
I think that is what gets me. Rape scenes, I believe, are often not as brutal as they should be. We shouldn’t be tamping them down because that just helps contribute to the idea that rape isn’t really a big deal - something society seems to believe as we see again and again. And if a woman with minimal power was being

I HATE HER HAIR SO MUCH.  Her hair is way too thin to be able to look good in two pig tails.  And who the hell never changes their hairstyle ever?? 

She has been on this show for 15 years and yet she is now making all these allegations. I mean, you could be in a toxic work environment, but 15 years seems really long to stay and never have any rumors come out about Harmon being physically dangerous to his coworkers.

This is why humanity is going to destroy itself.  Because it really is fucking dumb.  And leaps to death threats for everything.

That is the dumbest thing I have heard. Is this only a “don’t lean over a wife” rule? You shouldn’t hold a protracted conversation if that requires you to lean over another person but you should be able to say a comment or two. How asinine.

I agree about that.  She definitely should have told her fans that she doesn’t want people in her fandom who would send death threats just because someone slightly invaded her personal space.

Pretty sure it is because her biological children are older. And thus Madonna is more likely to live long enough to see them have children of their own. I think she will probably still see her adopted children have kids, if they choose, but since they are younger the chances are smaller.

She is 100% the kind of person who would use rape like that.  And her justification as to why she could use it erroneously and essentially minimize what rape is was just jaw dropping.

Chris Pine has won me over because I just think he is a damn good actor who can play a multitude of roles.  He was hilarious in the movie Into the Woods and then completely different, and great, in the movie Hell or High Water.  I think out of all of them he is the most talented which is why I personally rank him

So they want a celebrity who does not care what is happening in our country and/or just stays silent when bad shit happens?  Umm, okay.

I was confused by that.  I was thinking did they just literally marry incredibly recently just so they could divorce a hot second later?  The only celebrity news I follow is essentially through Jezebel so sorta surprised that they got it wrong if even I knew it was dating and not marriage.

Honestly it varies. When people are calling them out for their shitty behavior they say “we never said we were a feminist website” but when they are on a campaign about certain things they seem to reference themselves as being feminist.  Essentially whatever works for them in the moment so they can avoid legitimate

I was thinking about my experiences at comic con too when it comes to actors talking.  No matter how much they tell people to just ask the question you get 1) You mean so much to me comments were the person tells some personal, often sympathy seeking, reason why this actor matters so much to them when no one else in

Exactly. There is no way the author is that oblivious. Most people don’t brush long enough which is why, for probably 15 years or more, there has been timers in electric toothbrushes. This not a new thing.

I feel like you really want us to know you have a lot of enthusiastic sex.

I think about this quite frequently. I have very strong ideas of how I want my living space to look and it tends to not be mainstream. I would find it very hard to compromise. If I ever cohabitated I think I could give them like a room to make their own but that would be it.

The entire video I kept thinking “am I watching the right thing, isn’t Kim suppose to be throughout this video?” 

I just wait until everything is out on dvd and get them all from my library.  Makes life a lot easier and cheaper.

I really developed a dislike for him after listening to the podcast Heavy Weight. Moby had sampled a lot from some cds that he stole from a former friend. The guy just wanted a little acknowledgement and his cds back and Moby was a dick about it.

I have always looked a little younger than I am and there was several late 30's and early 40 year old guys who were disapointed when they learned I was, in fact, in my late 20's and not my early 20's like they thought.  Older men who deliberately go for younger women are creepy.