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Surprise! The whole picture - in proper widescreen - is on YouTube, and here’s the link: Enjoy!

Kim is not aware of anything, so

I live in Tokyo. Smoking is STILL everywhere here (it’s slightly better than when I first arrived but still horrible). Multiple American friends never smoked at home but started here as adults because everyone is and it’s cheap. Because it’s normalized. Normalization of things matters.

This shit is real and important. I work at a college that still allows smoking on campus as long as it is outside, even though we regularly have students going to the ER with major asthma attacks after walking through clouds of smoke between classes. The landscaping makes it as such you’d have to walk through garden

How? “See, the tobacco lobby pays producers to include cigarettes in their show, and get younger viewers used to the idea so they will become consumers later.” unless the show revolves lung cancer, it’s just easier to forget about the whole thing.

Knowing that my opinion doesn’t count for much, I’m still going to state that I am confused by Jezebel’s weirdly pro-teenagers-vaping attitude. (Like in this post.) It just seems to me like teenagers developing a nicotine addiction, particularly at ages when their brains are still developing, is an objectively bad

She wasn’t in that scene with Peter, though.  She enters after he’s already exited to the car with his “mature decision”, yelling “Where’s the kid?” because there actually *was* a room of reporters waiting for him.  

Wait, you think this is all some kind of PR play? That’s....insane.

It is 100% this. She is in Homecoming and Infinity War for about 30 seconds each and both of those scenes are with RDJ.

I suspect it's simply that she shoots her scenes for several of these assembly line Marvel movies, and when the films come out about 3 years later (after being thouroughly CGI’d), who can remember one from the next? 

It would have been really helpful if the lawyers who prepared the will had provided a checklist. They weren’t much help... probably wanted me to hire them to settle the estate. At least the clerks at the courthouse are helpful, but there still a lot of phone calls, emails and running around.  Just make sure to get

Once TRUMP had violated the terms of the nuclear treaty with Iran, why on earth wouldn’t Iran assume the whole thing was off and they were free to do what they liked?

Not sure why Anna Wintour’s opinion is so revered. She always accommodates fame. She adjusted to the kartrashians. She will “rethink” anyone. Relevance demands it.

Jeez. Serious accusations of insanity and shitty behavior because someone criticized a website. Maybe take it down a notch.

Kinda like how the Nazis were all “what are you talking about these ‘camps’ for? There are no camps.”

Border Patrol has said that’s not true

He points out how unfair it is for her to take grievances to social media...by posting it to social media. Um, yeah, ok Justin. 

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Now that we all know what an insufferable christian he is, can we all just enjoy this moment so much more? She knew exactly what she was doing. Hail Satan, Chris.