I’m (sadly) unfamiliar with Japanese politics. Beyond being happy that a woman has achieved election to a high public office, someone tell me how to feel about this!
I’m (sadly) unfamiliar with Japanese politics. Beyond being happy that a woman has achieved election to a high public office, someone tell me how to feel about this!
I haven’t availed myself of this procedure before (though I would in a heartbeat if I were in need). But I just wanted to say I am sorry you are in such a shitty situation. And I hope you feel totally good with your decision, because you are doing the right thing. Hang in there.
I’m in LA right now and I’m in a similar boat. Job suck so hard because my boss is an ass, I’m making progress with school (but it’s a slog), and my boyfriend is in Louisiana working for a month. Plus, though I do have a couple friends, they are either far away or (justifiably) preoccupied because they are about to…
My boss had me call a woman who was at the hospital, in labor with her first child. Twice. Then he had me drive for an hour to meet her husband so I could get a copy of her computer backup drive to bring back to the office for safekeeping. So that meant her husband had to leave the hospital and his wife’s side on the…
Nooooooooo! Natural horse hair brushes 4 eva! Is nothing sacred??
That’s truly terrible. A lot of adults failing kids over and over and over.
Reading your last sentence made me drop the taco I was eating. And I cannot bring myself to pick it back up.
Don’t you shatter my (wholly incorrect) sunny view of volleyball!
We can now welcome a new sport to the running list of professional athletic pursuits troubled by allegations of sexual violence. Hello, volleyball. You are an...unexpected addition.
Yeah, the First Amendment defense definitely feels like a crazy stretch. Though I guess it would be tough to come up with any reasonable defense...it’s probably wholly unrealistic to claim that it was someone else texting since it was her phone.
I almost feel like this is an extreme version of a teenager learning about/playing with being manipulative. I’m not trying to imply that this is normal behavior, but I could be a bit of a dick to boys when I was that age and sometimes played with their emotions just because I was exploring what kind of power I had in…
I don’t know how to feel about this. On the one hand, yes, she is awful and definitely has some responsibility for his suicide. On the other, based on the description of Massachusetts law, it appears that all of the time and money spent on bringing her to trial has no chance of actually resulting in a conviction.
That’s incredible. And so unsettling.
I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.
I have an outline of Ohio on my shoulder. And I’m feeling a lot of feelings about that right now.
I’m sitting next to a dude I met on Match in January of 2014. It’s been a bit of a rocky relationship, and I think it’s basically due to what you outlined. I’m over 30, he’s mid 40's, but sweet baby jesus does her have commitment issues. I’m divorced (which was an epically horrible tale all its own), but he’s never…
I’m Coachella-adjacent right at this very moment. But I don’t go to the actual festival. My boyfriend does work for the festival, so I drive out and stay in his rented condo. I can hear the music from the hot tub, and that’s good enough (I just refuse to fork over a ridiculous chunk of my savings to spend my weekend…
Do you think that women wanting/consenting to date someone automatically means that their partner doesn’t treat them as an object? Because I genuinely don’t believe that both parties being interested in dating one another precludes one from treating the other as an object. One individual could solely be interested in…
Point it out, then. Support your accusation. Or don’t make one.
I have no knowledge of whether the women he dates are chasing him. They could be, or he could be pursuing them. I haven’t any idea, I only know that he decides to date them and they make the choice to date him as well. And I never said one word about what the women he dates think or say- I only said they share the…