
Yep, everything’s better now, we solved patriarchy and all of the lingering, systemic effects of the millennia humans spent subjugating women in the service a society where men were in charge! High-five, everyone!

The choices people make are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to power dynamics. It’s self-servingly obtuse to pretend that’s not that case. People who take issue with the reality of power dynamics tend to be those that don’t need to confront the negative outcomes associated with being on

If a woman was the older and more financially/professionally established party, then the power dynamic would favor the woman. Power dynamics have nothing to do with absolving women. They exist independent of gender. Unfortunately, this is a patriarchal society that has only relatively recently welcomed women into the

That’s me. On some level, the devil you know always seems better than the one you don’t.

I had a 10 year relationship (marriage) explode unexpectedly when I turned 30. This sucks, and it’s going to hurt and suck for a while. But you’re life will be good again. And you are seeing a therapist, so you are already doing what you can to keep moving. Be proud of yourself for leaving even though it was hard. You

Nothing has ever been this cute. Max cute. No more cute to be had. Shut it down.

The Pigman, The Pigman’s Legacy and The Pigman and Me all got me through the the doldrums of junior high. Paul Zindel is under-appreciated.

RIP Yetta.

Have we completely forgotten about the labor movement in this country? There is a reason worker protections were developed and implemented. Corporations driven by a bottom line have no inherent motivation to care about their employee’s safety or quality of life, and they will take advantage of vulnerable individuals

SHE DOESN’T KNOW. I’ve been there. Sometimes you have the audacity to trust your significant other because you are a good and honest person, and thought the person you married was too. Jesus f’ing christ.

I think rechargeables are initially more expensive, but cheaper (of course) in the long run. My parents knew I’d never charge batteries, so they got a flashlight that plugged right into the wall. I could handle that.

I throw it out from time to time. No one ever understands what I’m referencing, but I just do not care.

Huh. My mom and dad are gonna be super bummed.

I will enjoy this a great deal indeed.

People have given me some ‘showering at night is gross’ nonsense in the past, but I’ve got roughly 25 lbs of coarse, curly hair sitting on my noggin. If I try to blow dry that ish in the morning, it will take approximately 30 minutes and may or may not kill my crappy drugstore hair dryer (I’ve gone through many of

Regardless, it sounds like you raised some fantastic kids. Unfortunately, it’s these kinds of murky situations they’re going to run into as adults. Nice to know they have a strong, individual sense of what is right and wrong. excellent momming on your part!

I don’t understand the ‘you’re going to ruin her life’ sentiment AT ALL. She’s living a lie right now that she didn’t agree to be part of. And not telling her so she can go on living in ignorance-what, is this 1952, and the poor, dependent women can’t handle that kind of information so it’s better to leave them alone

I forgot to include- I’m sorry you’re in this situation. It sucks that you had this dropped in your lap. It’s something you didn’t ask for, and you just have to do what you can live with.

I used to do Birchbox, and it did have a good mix of hair/makeup/nails, but I got stuck with fragrance samples too often. I never wear perfume because it gives me headaches, so opening those boxes felt like bomb disposal.

If you feel like you want to do something (if it’s going to eat at you. I think it might eat at me, probably because I had a cheating husband), you can always drop a note in the mailbox anonymously (with something general on it like ‘FYI-your husband’s on Tinder’. It could open a can of worms for her, but you don’t