
...Actually, I only spoke of his behavior. I said absolutely nothing about the women he dates, other than the single attribute they all certainly share is being young and physically attractive, because I’m not criticizing the women that choose to date him. You chose to imply that based on absolutely nothing I wrote.

Lots of ‘why do you care’ replies. I can’t believe this requires explaining (something tells me it really doesn’t-sweet trolling, dudes!). Well, because it’s just another example of a man treating a woman as nothing more than an object. Clearly, youth and beauty are his first (and possibly only) priority. And it’s

I’m not worried- I’m sure they’ll find some other fad to overcharge for in the near future.

Kill me now.

I went a couple weeks ago to see that Witch movie! I made my boyfriend move seats once the movie started because I wanted one with the little platform in between the seats so I could put my wine down. I got the chips/artichoke dip, which was not a well-considered choice (eating crunchy tortilla chips during a movie is

Nope. I went to a fancy, new theater with those seats when I was home in Ohio over Christmas. Since I’ve gotten back to LA, I’ve actually thought ‘I really want to see this weird movie Cinefamily is showing, but their seats blow, so...’

My ex-husband saw that Perfect Storm movie after hitting the bong 5 times too many, so he was crocked out of his gourd.

A ton of other people have said it, but I’m really sorry that happened to you. I hope you don’t let it damage your outlook on friendships in general. I say that as someone who has a hard time opening up to friendships because of a similar experience (and now that I’m way past my 20's anymore, new friendships seem

I’ll go to Silverlake to eat or attend an exercise class, but good sweet lord, I’d rather inhabit a Desert Hot Springs yurt than deal with this ridiculous, overwrought yuppie parent drama.

He’s kind of become a huge success as a writer. Who knew?


I’d settle for everyone being collectively and uniformly disgusted by it.

It is so tiring, following this zig-zagging path toward being a progressive country that does the right thing.

This is fantastic.

Never? They NEVER orgasm?

Curmudgeonly. Contrarian. Dismissal of widely agreed upon truths.

Well, I think the key in that situation is that the partner who wants sex and is struggling with the other partner’s lack of desire must have an open an honest conversation with the other partner first, letting them know that they are having an incredibly hard time being celibate and are unhappy. If the other partner

Honestly, I think electing Obama redeemed us a great deal. It gave the rest of the world the impression that we had made significant progress toward addressing our race issues and had finally embraced intellectually sound leaders.

Fair point.

As an American, I can’t figure out what our problem is. We seem to delight in elevating complete morons in the political process as some sort of collective joke. And then every few election cycles we take the joke way too far and elect them.