
Almost at 100!

"I love every dog I ever had. ... In my lifetime, I have had me a bunch of different dogs. Because you do keep getting a new dog don't you? ... That's the whole secret of life. Life...is a series of dogs." -George Carlin

The dog in this picture has yet to catch any wild animal, but she tries so hard.

Let me go get my seeing eye cat or my cat that can smell early stages of cancer. Oh wait... #1 killers of wildlife (besides humans) and they don't even really like us that much. Some cats are nice, granted, but you will find way more friendly dogs than cats. End of the day, I want my pet to actually like me, or at

A wand can only backfire so many times before doing some serious damage. I am sure there is a sexual joke in there somewhere...

What happened with Ron anyway? He was all strategic in book 1 and then got kicked in the head by a hippogryph in the next 6 books?

To each their own. If you want the same X Carat diamond in a gold/whitegold setting as every other person, there is a very large market for you.

Congratulations! People seem too caught up in there timelines and white picket fences to just appreciate the company they have.

Who doesn't want space rocks?!

I would imagine that some people just take better care of their stuff than others. I suppose you should take that into consideration as well when buying a ring.

That is awesome! It goes to show that if you have a different ring you will probably get compliments. How do the tungsten rings hold up?

Why do we still even care about these boring stones? Diamonds are relatively common and not that pretty. Men and women are raised on this bizarre belief that engagement rings HAVE to be diamonds. This was started as a marketing gimmick and has become ingrained into our culture. As a woman you can have almost any other

Why would anyone want to? Especially if it isn't yours.

It would be pretty hard to mess your computer up that badly, especially from a software standpoint (but not impossible). Hardware problems should generally be left to the pros, especially if you have a laptop.


I have definitely been there before.

Yeah, I will always help my mom find "the Netflix", but I will only help you get rid of a virus once before I ask for money. I don't need the money, I just want you to learn your lesson.

I feel like some people consider it a badge of pride that they are technologically challenged. Kind of like saying "I am bad at math". Then those same people start calling and asking for help with the smallest issues instead of using Google. Some people will never let you teach them. I would say start charging money

This x 10000. VBA is a nightmare