The taking of pkellen2313
The taking of pkellen2313
We represent the FC Lollipop Guild
The all seeing all knowing Chicken Little was correct once again. All hail our new oracle Chicken Little
I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have said that. I'm totally in the wrong on this one
Dammit honey Deadspin is my domain and I told you to leave me alone here
Intentionally accepting a fault to end a match? Welcome to every argument I have with my wife! BOOYA!
Word is Africa was going to sign with Washington but scouts said his wrists weren't supple enough to be a Pimble Wizard
Yeah I'm the photo next to his description in the dictionary or whatever. We are not unique flowers.
Holy crap you're only 21? You're practically doubled up by a lot of the regulars around here, me sadly included. Although I can't lie my 30s have been pretty great.
Look at how excited he is!
But then the trial got really good and even though the people who turned out to watch James had already left, they weren't allowed back inside to see the final result.
Huh, I was going to make a funny Alamo joke here but I forgot it
Are you sure it was JaVale honking his horn and not just the tugboat in the back?
Doc Ellis, who substituted a regulation game ball with a rainbow-colored octopus that shot a trail of stars out of its butt on every pitch.
God, what a terrible line up. I mean those numbers are like at least a quarter inch above where they should be.
A reluctant a-hole does indeed make for an awkward Ley
O come O come E Manuel
I believe Hulligan Moons is the name of Alfredo Aceves second son