Edge of Blade

That second video illustrates why I LOATHE television personalities. They generally behave like a fratboy on a DDR machine. The stupider they act the better they think they are doing.

"Avoid metalic or mirrored ceilings."

You can also take Amanda's yoga ball and make it into a rolling bomb—I bet there's a lot of fun to be had with that. Also: you can easily fix your car by switching characters. Gotta love all the stuff these mythbusting videos find, no? That, and I'm rather surprised this gate glitch hasn't been patched out yet—but

As for an article across the aisle, maybe talk about the Playstation 3D Display? I'm typing on one that I use for a computer monitor and.... oh... it just went black again.

We don't stone our women if they refuse to wear bikinis...

Nothing is free.

Yeah, the game industry has a problem. It has many problems, to be honest, but it has a few that are easily fixed. Like this one.

I don't get why people are surprised that people like things "different". Every combination has someone who thinks it's best for them.

Oh gee, Trevor has no filter and therefore is the coolest. ...yeah, I don't buy it. Just a douchebag who should throw himself out of the highest airplane available... while smoking it up and praying to god, just to get that little extra high-ness. It's my favorite thing to do with him right now. Long drops.

No. It's hyperspace capable. It's a ship.

Why you gotta be an asshole and drag out that "real gamer" crack? You think you are defending turf but you are just hastening your own irrelevance.

There's a growing movement against unpaid internships, not because getting industry exposure and contacts is a bad thing. The problem is that not everyone can subsist on a zero-wage job, no matter what they are doing. It impedes upward mobility if only those who have deep pockets can afford to take on a horizon

I'm sorry, I missed the part where no one other than you gets what you want. Everyone can be served equally. Stop acting like a spoiled child.

"Big Mistake"

Why do I feel like Draco Malfoy is standing in the corner lobbing snipey criticism at Harry?

"Does its existence bother you?"

Sony has figured it out. The industry is not won on games and one-stop entertainment and compelling experiences everyone can relate to. It's won on innuendo, juvenile ridicule, and stagnation. It's won by appealing to a core demographic by explicitly claiming to lock out everyone else. Sony understands this era in

I'm sorry, but only Sony fanboys are clapping in that vid. Microsoft changed message because the vast majority wanted them to. If Microsoft had stuck to their guns, Sony would be ridiculing that instead. Actually, it shows a substantial lack of integrity on Sony's part, in my opinion.

I can have it! At last!

Honestly, this dream of a open world seamless space game has been around for a while, but only recently has anyone shown promise in realizing that pipedream design. Sorry, Notch was too late to the game and too many more talented and well funded designers are in the game now.