There are problems and there are preferences. You sir presented a preference as a problem. My preference is for the "lopsided" sticks because in just about every game, except Katamari, the sticks have different functions.
There are problems and there are preferences. You sir presented a preference as a problem. My preference is for the "lopsided" sticks because in just about every game, except Katamari, the sticks have different functions.
Oh for the love of god, Microsoft. THE COMMUNITY IS TROLLING YOU! Stop going back on every decision and stick to your damn guns! If you believe in your console, stand by your decisions!
This is why I LOATHE gamers as a collective. They are on average dumb as shit and reactionary with no sense of forethought. And…
I love watching fanboys invent problems.
Final Fantasy is not a game series; it's a brand name. And worse, it's a brand name that now indicates highly variable quality, like they slap it on anything they want to give a sales boost to. And now, FF is sucumbing to the idol influences, as I understand from other experts.
That's a super cynical way to look at it. But yes, I suppose. And that really does not bother me. It really only bothers people who are looking for something to get offended at. MS wants to put an amount of power in the hands of the community to handle the total douchenozzles that plague online gaming. This =…
He's right. The game industry is toxic. All of it. The business, the media, the fans. This industry is just poison. And the elements of it that aren't... they "grow up" and move on to more worthwhile pursuits. And we should be fighting back against that.
Dat gloss.
Ah, e-sports.... always the classiest of cesspools.
Bad play, Microsoft. This would have been a complete non-issue had you just let it go.
It says Grecian to me. Maybe it would make more sense if you imagined it held up by classic columns.
Comments so far in this post:
Senator, that word "literally"... I don't think you know what that actually means.
Shouldn't that lend credibility due to the fact that he didn't stop the feed?
I gotta ask, why the hell are you referring to him by his real name? Don't you know gamers are a mob and demand mob justice? Do you have any concern for his well being?
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals, and you know it."
The correct action here is ALWAYS to wait and see. It's better to be strung along for a little bit and be wiser than to jump to a conclusion and be wrong, but I don't see the smart thing happening here. These are gamers with nerd-rage, and…
I agree with this guy. Why are people up in arms about this before they have the whole story? If someone told you the government makes you pay taxes in a large sum every April 15th, you would complain and assume the government is stupid for charging you in one big lump sum. But, by the time you've moved out of the…
MYopinion? Professors grading gender studies projects.
This documentary should more accurately be about the puerile humor and immaturity of the audience the game industry primarily serves. If anything puts me, a lifetime gamer at the young age of 29, off video games, it's the toxic community. It's that community that harasses GLBT gamers and pushes them to the fringe. If…
Sorry to say, but rudeness is a symptom of a larger disease plaguing games. It's almost enough to make an older gamer retire from all the noise...
I've found a much more effective way of doing "new years resolutions" is to take on a different resolution each month. And hey, if you pick something that's hard, you only have to do it for a month.