More importantly, no "It's your boy!", also commonly pronounced as "Et's Yer Boi!"
More importantly, no "It's your boy!", also commonly pronounced as "Et's Yer Boi!"
Occasionally, something cool happens that makes this game fun. Then the community comments on it and I realize why this is the worst community in gaming.
Yeah, seems I'm not the only one sick of the From Entertainment Apologist Corps.
This kind of crap is why I prefer to play more noobish fighters. If this is really all that important to pro gamers, fine you can have it. But Capcom can NOT have my money if they don't make a game that fun for us mortal gamers.
Let me be clear here: saying that "I was born this way" is a really cheap way to argue a more important point. Everyone should have the option to pursue whatever path of sexuality they want. Better yet, there are no paths except the one unique path you blaze for yourself. I have equal contempt for people who can't…
I find it sad that people who would scoff at a grandparent saying "aren't video games for children" are applying the same reasoning to MLP.
Oh, haters... and that thing they do SOOOOOO reliably.
You are free to wallow in your hate. I hope you find some fulfillment in it.
I read that as "if Ben Stiller still had a vagina".
Look, like anything, let's wait and see how the reality of the situation works. We saw fantastic tech demos for Kinect, and look what we are left with: a moderately interesting peripheral I only use to voice command my Netflix.
*sigh* Those Power Rangers outfits get more ridiculous each year...
I dunno. It looks like it takes figurative seconds to me...
This is flamebait.
This is a terrible idea. Medication, while useful for some actual ailments, should not be used as an emotional panacea. Those are problems that can either be fixed normally or should not be fixed at all and rather accepted. Fixing a marriage that's on the rocks has a lot to do with the later, namely getting the…
Ads for Android talking about Ice Cream headaches is rather humorous.
Mario games benefit from great level design, creative power ups, and occasional difficulty. But what they suffer from is a drip-feeding of the above, as well as nebulous one-off plots even worse than Zelda. They make Mario more of an exercise in showing off what their designers can come up with. I've never seen a…
Could Nintendo make a Skyrim? Or a Halo? Or a Killzone? Is that too adult for them? Come on, even Disney has Touchstone Pictures. This is about their image as a safe company, and while that's a cash cow position, they are being left behind by much more attractive growth investments. The next five years are going…
Actually, the play button blotted out her sunshine...
Monolith, send this man a check for some amount of money less than the purchase price, because he just sold a game!
Ok ok...I'll try it.