I don't know who thought pro FPS made good TV. Now, fighting games are something else entirely, as long as they are well designed and not cheap.
I don't know who thought pro FPS made good TV. Now, fighting games are something else entirely, as long as they are well designed and not cheap.
What's "crystal skulls"? Is that a plot device of a hypothetical and completely unauthorized fanfic that could be turned into a fourth Indiana Jones movie in a series of terrible decisions? That could never happen.
And he wasn't. But mainly, he isn't "my boy". It's that phrase that grates on me.
I didn't even make it 7 words into this video before stopping it.
What if she corrupted the save in the middle of an autosave cycle.
Some politician walks into their kid's room and asks "So, whatcha playin there, son?"
I hate these kinds of people. This self-promoting "haters only make me stronger" attitude is a cancer on the American psyche, and unfortunately, it's punishment, by definition, only makes the attitude stronger.
Labies and genitalmen, I give you.... JAPAN!
Being Mario actually gives you quite a bit of flexibility:
I enjoyed reading this misinformed post (and Others!)
Well, porn IS a driver of video technology, after all....
"the fact that people are drinking the same compound that is regularly used to make upholstery flame retardant seems worth noting."
It WAS kinda dull. I mean, for all that space, a nice sized city or some more towns would have made a big difference.
Not many people are going to be down with what I have to say here, but I really liked Fuel.
WWTDD? What would The Doctor do?
I can tell you, I don't know a single person that has a Kinect that doesn't also have an Xbox 360...
I use voice for one thing... skipping songs I don't like in Last FM.
Yes, fine.... I don't really care as long as they have included subtitles finally.
But what is he jumping off of? If he were to exert that much force on the surface of molten lava, the semi-liquid surface would absorb so much of that force that he wouldn't go very far.
This just put the Mario Bros movie in my head.