OH, hell no. First, that totally violates the TOS on XBL by engaging in reciept or sale of services. Second, I don't trust the dumpy teenagers working at most Gamestops.
OH, hell no. First, that totally violates the TOS on XBL by engaging in reciept or sale of services. Second, I don't trust the dumpy teenagers working at most Gamestops.
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): When you really get down to it, they had to use lots of coding and memory tricks to achieve the simplest things, but it still amounted to a bunch of spaghetti code. They didn't have spare cycles to check if the troopa was dead in the pit. They had to assume, and also hope no one wrapped around…
@Tregard: I'd add Russian Roulette to that.
@baseracer0: How do you know it won't be free?
I'm ok with going all download. What I'm not ok is the clicky PSPgo buttons. Don't get me wrong, Sony, I don't take issue with digital downloads. It was the Go hardware that sucked.
@grimjack28: It should not be called "Halo" anything. It should simply be the Forerunner Saga. Hopefully some unsuspecting Halo-hater will pick it up not knowing what it is and get blown away.
I love how this is Halo... but it's not.
@Teran: The internet is full of people showing an interest in commenting on things they have no interest in... in an effort to seem more interesting.
Negative-space product placement??
@Archaotic: Hey, don't be a dildongo about it. :-) j/k
And we are going to show you Angry WHWhWHHHWWWHHWHWHWHWHWWHWHHWWW... how it works.
@Kellen Dunkelberger: Maybe you aren't aware of Microsofts first business of selling playing cards, or Sony's early business in wooden pin ball novelties....
@RenegadeLobster: "I was like one of those Hipsters that thought I was too good to go along with what everyone was doing."
@Twyst3d: "However how many kinect purchasers are also first time xbox purchasers?"
Poor Sony is going to be left with their 3D just flapping in the wind...
@Akio Morita: The Home community doesn't need unitards. It's already filled with enough multi-tards.
I have more games than my wife. But I trade them in when I'm never going to touch them again. My wife is 100% against trading games in, even utter crap like Urbs. So, I posit (pause it?) that she is in fact the hoarder.
@GamerKT: Hopefully NOT like Playstation Home. If it's like Playstation Home, it will languish as a place for only the most blindly-dedicated and self-obligated 360 fanboys. In other words, no more a place I would want to visit than Playstation Home.
Tritton AX360s. I find it strange there is a mini-war going on between the headset users. I find the hate for Tritton and Turtle Beach (in favor of Fatality branded gear) very strange, but the hate for the AX360's and their "rumble" bass a little puerile. I prefer the humbling to maxed out speakers killing the…
I did pretty well. I decided to keep a new resolution each month. I made it as far as September when I went to PAX and violated them all.