
Guy was across the street on the 32nd floor of a hotel. Even if these people had a gun on them, they would’ve done nothing but more damage. They would’ve been firing rounds into neighboring hotel rooms.

I’m so damn relieved he wasn’t able to get his hands on a gun

Exactly. Guns are fun, I get it. You know what else is fun? Weed. But some idiot teens get high or something and get into a car accident, and now we can’t have weed (in most states). It is literally easier for me to buy an AR-15 than it is to get a joint. That’s fucked up.

Cutting off Brokaw is an affront to all that is decent, but what even was that question? Does the existence of gun violence negatively impact the nation’s kids? Yes, and it should, and there are many things we could do to prevent these massacres and aren’t. It isn’t the media’s fault. You want them to not report on

Those are some Rick Perry level glasses.

I couldn’t really get into the film either. It’s hard to do in film, but it really (like almost all PKD adaptations) sidelined the philosophical questions Dick is trying to get at: what makes us sentient, and how can we know we are what we think we are?

Is there any other topic where this tactic gets used? A monster hurricane hits Puerto Rico, and now is a great time to talk about their debt and infrastructure problems. But 58 people get killed, hundreds injured, and now isn’t the time to talk about guns?

My (quite liberal, generally anti-gun) dad, who still lives in the great(ish) state of Maine, was looking into getting a gun recently and, being a responsible person, wanted to take lessons in gun safety. It turns out literally every single range in Maine that offers lessons wont let you attend class unless you have

I hadn’t thought of it that way, it’s terrifying.

This “hearing protection” angle is fucking ridiculous. If you’re hunting and miss, a deer is going to be spooked regardless of whether you have a silencer or not. If it’s for home protection, you don’t need a silencer because you’re shooting a criminal that broke into your house, who cares if you’re loud. If you’re at

I went to a shooting range a little while ago, and it was fun, but pretty scary in how easy it was to get a gun. Under 5 minutes and obviously clueless, without even checking my ID, I got an AR-15.

Ugh that’s actually exactly the phrase used by my creepy uncle at my grandmother’s funeral.

Now playing

“We like to joke that we’re Lin Manuel Carrie Bradshaws, and he’s such a Lin Manuel Miranda”

Even if there was, the response from demons would probably be something along the lines of “hey bro, big fans, love your work!”

Steven Motherfucking Seagal gave an interview from Moscow (he is now a Russian citizen), on a British talk show, about how taking a knee was unpatriotic. We are through the damn looking glass now.

This. I did my grad work at a research university, and had an instructor gig as part of my fellowship. On average I taught about 400 students per semester. No actual professors taught undergrads, it was all us grad students.

“But the people were PRO-TRUMP...”

Trump knows quite a bit about the inner workings of the military. He had to do some research in order to dodge the draft.

But if you take a knee during the anthem, that’s crossing the line.

One of my bandmates actually did burn down part of his parent’s house, but it had less to do with foam and more to do with dumb-fuckery.