

Now that we have the second cat, the bigger issue is that they want to hang out with us... even when we’re sleeping and they’re in the mood to wrestle with each other. We usually have to kick them out of bed a couple times a night.

Neither of my Siamese can abide a closed door. One is sick and in isolation, and the other refuses to eat unless she gets let out for meals. One does the door knob thing, the other just cries. The older cat came with my husband and when we were dating I was rather shocked to be walked in on because the cat could

Seriously. My still-living grandmother was born before women could vote. My equally Jewish grandfather never drew a disenfranchised breath.

My still living grandmother was born before women had the right to vote, let alone run for office. She needed her husband’s permission to open a bank account. My mother had professors tell her that even though she performed best in class, she couldn’t get the best grade because it would discourage her male classmates.

My thoughts are with your family.

Taxes, fines and fees.

I’m about as big as music snob as you will ever find. I won’t ever go out of my way to listen to Taylor Swift because I’m not into radio pop (although some amazing singles do pop up from time to time), but it’s absolutely ridiculous to say that she’s not a great pop songwriter and performer. I literally have to walk

He’s a highly manipulative guy. That’s it. I don’t doubt that he can make a (23 year old) young woman feel like the most special and beautiful person in the world, and leave her confused and self-blaming when the abuse starts.

Your examples are all biased characterizations twenty years after the fact. Can you point me the original violations?

“Where do rainbows come from? I guess we’ll never know.

To the extent that they were “humiliated”, it was not of their doing and to imply that Hilary is thus responsible for said “humiliation” is appalling.

Or if it can be used to tear down men of color as a group, especially Muslim men.

Please explain to me why, in Dowd’s terms, Bill Clinton’s wife, daughter and female subordinates were humiliated by his actions? Why are they morally responsible for it? That’s a whole lot of tongue clicking on why a woman can’t keep her man in line.

I had an ultrasound at 6.5 weeks and one at about 8 weeks.

And there would be no issue if this way of thinking about women was limited to a dime-novel genre, relegated to a squeaking spinning shelf at Walgreens, and derided as cheap and non-serious fantasy for pathetic people by middle-brow culture.

Tycho Brahe was an aristocrat. Ptolemy may have been, well, a Ptolemy. Louis DeBroglie was a prince.

FAS is only one of the negative potential outcomes of alcohol exposure. It really is a spectrum, from severe retardation to low birth weight (which is associated with generally poorer health later) to knocking off a few IQ points.

If you’re in the US, you’re probably okay. There are some very specific reasons why researchers don’t think it will make it up here, but a good rule of thumb is this: if you don’t live or travel in an area with a Dengue Fever problem, you shouldn’t have to worry (it’s the same mosquitoes and conditions for both

Thank you.