
Oh man, that’s rough.

Oh, I already have the summer-thigh problem. It’s not only size, though, it’s extra moisture, right?

Why hello there, my fellow June expectant! We really lucked out on the timing, I think. We can wear dresses and slip on shoes at the end, without being overheated.

Yeah, the Schindler’s List phenomenon. Actually, Tarantino did the same thing in Inglorious Basterds, where the only Jewish character with more than a couple of speaking lines looked like she stepped out of the Aryan princess handbook.

I’m sure you’re the first one protesting whenever a Western bomb hits a family compound to hit a particular target. I bet you work tirelessly to make sure children of dysfunctional parents have every opportunity more advantaged children do.

Yes, five years. One year before the reforms went into effect. It’s out of date because conditions changed.

That story is half a decade out of date. As it happens, Kentucky recognized the crisis and enacted major reforms in 2011.

New York is the state that produced Donald Trump. It’s ignorant to make specious assumptions about “those Kentucky values” based on a very, very, very vague fallacy of association. It’s downright prejudiced to make assumptions about people from Kentucky based on the one person you read about in the newspapers.

I don’t know, I’m Ashkanazi with blond hair and blue eyes. Most of my relatives are completely swarthy and look classically semitic, but I’m not the only fair person in my family, among full- and half-Jews. I get my coloring on one side from my great-grandmother, whose family spent centuries ghettoized in Jewish

She pioneered the mean-and-bitter candidacy who appealed to the same rageoholics both Trump and Cruz are courting. “I’m the angry candidate!” “I’m the angrier candidate!” Frankly, neither have mastered the Palin sneer, so she has something to add for voters who might feel that neither Trump nor Cruz are quite spiteful

Wives are killed by husbands six times more often than husbands are killed by wives. That’s “close enough”? I’ll tell you what. I’ll earn six times your salary for the exact same work and we’ll call it “close enough.”

Just stop. More women are killed by intimate partners in absolute numbers. You’re mixing up per capita victims of domestic murder and percentage of murder victims killed by an intimate partner.

Let’s just nip your stupid rate-versus-frequency argument in the bud.

I’m hard pressed to think of a country that has our level of birth control options AND our lack of services and supports for childbirth and rearing.

Thanks. I really can’t complain and feel fortunate. I realize how much more fortunate we are than so many other couples. The toughest part is the anxiety with this pregnancy, how much excitement I’ve missed out on because I was so afraid of hoping too much. It got much better after my first trimester, though.

Same. Well, I actually DID get some extra treatment, but not from my ObGyn. My husband and I found out we were pregnant two days before our “here are your test results and let’s discuss options” appointment at a fertility clinic*. So that doctor immediately put me on progesterone just ‘cause (My ObGyn said, “Well, it

There’s an economic theory that states that it’s more rational for poor women to have babies when they’re young, like 18-23, because they get more parental and community support than they would if they were older. I mean, a 30 year old cashier at Walmart doesn’t make more than her 20 year old coworker, but she’s had a

Aside from the suggestion of an extra screening or two, what exactly is this extra treatment?

This probably depends on the practice/ area. I go to a big urban practice (read: yuppified) and aside from some labels on my appointment notes, no one has said boo to me about it, and I’m 40. I got a little extra blood work done.

I love to respond to people who say “female” with “female what?” It takes forever for them to get it enough to say, “female... person.” But it’s worth it when you get to say, “AH! A woman. Why didn’t you just say so?”