
I’m certainly not an expert, but it seems to me that northerly migrations are in keeping with human migration patterns, irrespective of political borders, since the beginning of humanity. Intermixing aside, most Mexicans are descended from people who moved southward from the Bering Straight over several thousand

That’s something I never understood. Some Mexicans, most of whom are Native North Americans, are moving a few hundred or so miles north on their native continent. And people like me, whose ancestors immigrated from across oceans and continents are going to get huffy about it?

I have a seriously irrational yearning to raise a lion, but my husband keeps telling me it’s “impractical” and “dangerous.”*

I agree. I think it’s right to have a trial where her level of participation and culpability is determined.

I just looked up the standards for my state and they have indeed changed.

I have a driver’s license from a state not on the list. I used my NY driver’s license to get it. So...

I prefer not to be reminded of my impending obsolescence, thanks.

My husband is seven years older than I am. I met him in my mid-thirties and the only differences are cultural touchstones (namely, he was too old to appreciate my the cheesy pop songs I have sentimental feelings for, even though I now they’re crap). I think it’s more about where you are in life.

CAN WE GET A PROC SUMMARY OR A PROC UNIVARIATE IN HERE? (Adjust for the statistical software package of your choosing.)

Now I know you’re being disengenous by comparing Trump’s appearance to Christie’s. Just for fun, here are the results of the google search Trump too fat to be president. They’re all about Chris Christie.

That’s true, but Chris Christie isn’t slightly overweight. Men don’t suffer weight discrimination to the same degree or intensity that women do, but they DO suffer from it, both professionally and personally.

Fat men are absolutely discriminated against. If they weren’t, your joke that America’s problem with Chris Christie is his weight instead of his policies wouldn’t make any sense.

For some reason, I remembered the scene taking place on a park bench, while she’s wearing a chinchilla coat in a chevron pattern.

I can’t tell you how often I have looked for the scene in order to post it as a response to someone on Kinja. Thanks for finding it!

Being on the subway with some convention-goers and people coming back from a protest was interesting, too. The entire train care stared silently at the delegates, who marked themselves with “W” regalia. Just stared as the convention-goers turned redder and redder. I mean, for multiple stops. Also, there were stickers

I was visiting my cousin in South Carolina when she got a call about the rabbi of her Conservative synagogue. It’s hard to get a rabbi to take a position in South Carolina, so it was a big deal that he was resigning because he was leaving his wife of near fifty years. For another woman. Who was 35 years younger. And

That reminds me of when the RNC was in NY. All these people with “W” hats were at various train stations, trying to figure out how to get to Central Park or wherever. I heard more than one person give them directions to Harlem and the South Bronx.

Right. Realistically, she’d would have started puberty as an undernourished servant, hauling boiling water up three flights of stairs while on her 86 pound frame, and sleeping in a bedroom without any niceties less she become corrupted above her station by having something nice.