Oh, that just shows my North Side bias.
Oh, that just shows my North Side bias.
Hello fellow whycantwejustworkintheWestLooplikeeveryoneelse worker!
Oh god. So I can’t even imagine how it gets by Sunday. I know my building has to hire extra security for the whole weekend.
I WORK ACROSS THE STREET! It doesn’t help that the obvious tourists being obvious (read: sloooow) tourists have been doubling every year for the last ten. Throw in people riding Diivy bikes on the sidewalk and Michigan Avenue south of the river is a nightmare in the summer.
I work across the street. We can only hope!
I work across the street from Grant Park. When the Blackhawks parade was going on there (ugh, ugh, ugh, why can’t we move offices already?) I saw a guy, with a date, wearing a tshirt that said
Introverts create and extroverts present?
I got a quarter and a piece of the gum with liquid in the center. It was the only time I was allowed to have it.
I got (straight) married in NY state shortly after gay marriage was legalized and miraculously, they found a way around the printed form issue. Under the place for each name was written “Bride/Groom”, and the clerk typed Xes over which one didn’t apply to the person! With a typewriter. Amazing. It was still legal, the…
Can one who wishes to comment on your comment comment on your comment?
If I had to do it over again, I would have done a small registry for those who asked. My husband was so turned off by the idea, that he wouldn’t even agree to that, even though we wouldn’t have mentioned it (or gifts) anywhere.
Oh, I wouldn’t put it on an invitation, but once people invariably start asking registry information — and we’re talking about engagement parties where cash is unlikely — the word can get out that way, with some suggestions of charities instead.
Engagement parties are not limited to families and DO require gifts in a lot of circles. A night out with the girls is fine, but it’s really reached an incredibly elaborate level, involving lots of planning and money.
I felt the same way, but as a guest I still feel obligated. I’ve only been on one destination bachelorette party, and it wasn’t that big a deal. It was actually kind of boring.
That’s true. I wouldn’t expect my bachelorette party friends to pay for the night if they also gave me a shower gift, or vice versa, but in general there’s very little crossover.
Holy shit. I missed that bit of nastiness. It’s like something out of an 80s era high school movie.
No it wasn’t. This entire post is a mean girl style backhand. You could have just posted what she found, like Gawker did, but instead you decided to make her the butt of your jokes. There was nothing “affectionate” about it.
“Lady has strongly held beliefs about making the world more just and survivable for the most downtrodden through an historical political system I read about in some in 101 college course, HAHAHA.”