
I took it, or something like it, instead of a D&C. My doctor handed it to me at the office, along with a scrip for Norco and instructions to take four ibuprofen on top of it, at regular intervals. It was not a pleasant experience and wound up taking a few days to complete, for some reason. BUT I would still choose

Congratulations! That’s amazing. I’m trying for a third pregnancy, too. My fingers are crossed for you.

You’re not alone :-(

Eh. We met sleazy and stuff like that never bothered me (or him — he knows my most-fucked-up one night stand story, too). What I don’t want to hear is how much prettier girls in his past were...

My husband would be so upset if he knew I was telling any of these. Note that his two worst dates* didn’t involve sex, so they don’t count. Shortly before we met, he went out with an older woman who I guess was a young grandmother. Somehow their date was him going along with her errands and babysitting the grandkid.

I feel so icky talking about someone’s drug problems/sex life... But I did draw the map so... yeah.

My husband hooked up with the female bassist of a really famous post-punk alternative band that hit its peak in the nineties. Not Kim Deal or Kim Gordon. He was a huge fan, met her in record store and was back at her place in no time flat. She pulled out the crack pipe. My husband was extremely promiscuous at that

Jewel is the worst.

Stop going to the Jewel! I have some fantastic independent groceries near me that cater to ethnic communities.

I think she really sees herself as a teenager.

Also, Juliet wasn’t a 36 year old mother of five.

Oh, that family is nuts. You might enjoy this read. Her mother was known as the Phyllis Shafly of the West Coast; they were so anti-abortion that when she miscarried her first pregnancy, her mother refused to allow her to have a D&C in case there was another embryo. Guess what? THERE WAS! That’s how she ended up

She wasn’t a student, she was a mentally disturbed campaign volunteer with grown children of her own.

Seriously, she said he wasn’t faithful while he was in prison? How much you want to bet she’s been gaslighting with him with that shit since he was a teenager.

Yeah, of course she compared herself to a movie star. All she did was admit that he gave her narcissistic supply.

She was pretty okay with it, according to a book I read. At least, she never said she wasn’t.

Vili’s mother had custody while Mary Kay was in prison.

One year older than her oldest son.

That makes a heck of a lot more sense.