
I love this neighborhood so much, although I don’t cross the river as often as I should; Harvest Time is on my way home from the el. The Oaxacan market on Lawrence, the Middle Eastern market on Kedzie. I haven’t been to Mayfair or Chicago Produce. I hear AMAZING things about Fresh Farms on Touhy and Lincoln, but

I think I may have to run out Pot Belly’s for their chickpea salad...

Apparently limes are cheapest in Chicago? And, yeah 3 haas avocados for $1.98 is the norm at my local independent grocery store.

Embarrassing admission: when I was single I would often eat a can of chickpeas with salad dressing for dinner. Because chickpeas are amazing.

Albany Park? I live just east of the river. Harvest Time for the win.

Limes are selling 5 for a dollar where I live, but my independent grocery store caters to a lot of Mexicans and Vietnamese. I don’t know, I have to convince myself that it’s okay to splurge on avocados, so I’m not the one to ask about that. Like I said, I just don’t see how she’s going to 63 servings out of this (3

Moses... Manna for all!

In fairness, those beans will go a long way. Boil them up with some of that extensive lime and cilantro and you can toss them in the eggs with some brown rice. I still don’t see this feeding two growing kids for a week though.

Where I live, a bunch of cilantro is about 50 cents and goes really far.

Let’s say she and her kids have eggs for breakfast six days this week. That’s two eggs a day to share between them.

It doesn’t, I meant it to emphasize your point. I was trying to recall whether Phoenix PD hates him or not, or if it was other municipal people.

Isn’t Arpaio in constant, blatantly illegal, battle with Phoenix officials.

Not only that, but Phoenix has the third highest percentage of families below the poverty of American cities.

It said her guardians, not her parents. My bet is that it’s her foster parents who began the suit after they found out what happened.

Too many calories in a Manhattan. She’s a Chopin vodka and soda with a twist woman if I ever saw one.

It’s crazy, right? I read that entire book with my mouth open.

It did, a little, but he was still a minor when it was published.

Someone else reminded me that he was also in her second grade class. According to a book I read on the subject, she starting talking about his “beautiful soul” back then. So the grooming could have begun as early as seven.

OMG, I completely forgot about that! And she was talking about him to anyone who would listen back then. (According to the book I read.)