Avada Yo Mama

i wish there was a show just about phil.

I can defend the early seasons; Ty Burell and Eric Stonestreet are both gifted comic actors and the writing back then was usually fairly sharp and witty and made great use of the extended family dynamic. I get that it’s not everyone’s taste but I can see why it became a success.

“Simply put, this is a dud.”-

Now playing

Lol. No really, I’m actually lol-ing cos reading your “Friends with worse actors” comment reminds me of the meta-scene where Damon Wayans Jr’s character looks around in his drugged-up state at all the others and calls them by their respective Friends characters!

The first Hangover movie was funny. My least favorite thing from when someone starts acting like an asshat is we try to say “well they were never...” like it’s a badge of honor to either see through them, of have some kind of bias towards people.. That’s how we get into a lot of our messes: by trying to pretend that

True. I tend to use “wait for video” as a catch-all for “I aint giving any money or effort to see this... thing.”

What you’re telling me is that it’s the unfunny version Arrested Development.

The issue is not whether something is offensive, but whether something is funny. What’s funny is constantly changing—it used to be that you could go for lowbrow racist/sexist shtick and get reliable audiences, but that’s not true nowadays, or at least not to the same extent. Great comedians adapt; the people

I’m past wait for video and into, “Maybe if it’s on HBO and I’m too high to remember how much I hate this fucking guy.”

I don’t get how his character is a “unicorn,” beyond just realizing it’s a misuse of the dating term (a bi women eager to be a third).  He’s a single parent, and his previous partner is one who the new partner can never ever measure up to.

Now, just how well this concept holds up for a season, let alone seasons, is anyone’s guess.

Yeah, that’s fair; an entirely reasonable definition. Just . . . very much not what “unicorn” is used to mean in contemporary online ‘dating’ at all. I mean, I’m all in favour of letting language be more multifaceted and metaphorical! People should be able to say “unicorn” and mean this! But frankly even after reading

It’s everywhere you look!

I thought the show was pretty good. And their definition of unicorn was actually, “A mythical creature that every woman is looking for,” which fit well in this context. I did enjoy it; it has some real potential if they can keep it from falling into sitcom silliness.

This would be better if Walton Goggins had a spiral horn growing out of his forehead.

They do realize that a “unicorn” in the online dating world typically refers to a bisexual woman willing to have NSA sex (or be in a long-term sexual relationship with, I’m not sure which is considered rarer) a hetero couple, right? This must be one of those shows that got created because the network heads were like

No one on this show has hair as powerful as John Stamos’s Full House mullet.

On the one hand, even though I’d forgotten this show exists, and i haven’t watched an episode in years, I do find it kinda sweet that, from the header image, almost a decade later, Hayley appears to have ended up with Dylan who sang that annoyingly catchy “do me, do me ...in the moonlight, moonlight” song from season

The writing was so lazy — the “Boy George” line was not one that Dylan would ever make. It was a 40-something writer amusing himself, characters (and their ages) be damned.

Cam and Mitch have an actively terrible marriage at this point. They are incapable of being honest with each other. Manny continues to be the worst. The writers have to be knowingly steering into the skid with that, right? They can’t possibly think he’s remotely likable anymore.