Avada Yo Mama

AAaaargh I hate to do this, but you may be the only people on earth who will understand: what if the Clovers ALSO stole their chants and routines, but from a school that was too far away to notice or protest?

Dressing your kid as yourself is one fucking self-absorbed move. But why should I be surprised by what that tart does?

Ugh, I hate the dressing as an immediate family member trend. I am fully expecting numerous Instagram pics of toddlers who INSISTED (yeah right) on dressing up like mom (with a messy up-do, Starbucks cup and leggings, tee-hee-hee, how subversive).

I still say with a straight face, “Must be some Toros in the atmosphere.”, any time someone says, “Brr, it’s cold in here.”

girl, her dress is latex. her gloves are latex. the stripper platforms are very much intentional. trust.

Yeah, I was going to say - who’s got eyes on Heidi Klum??? That’s the only celebrity costume I need to see.

I was thinking the same thing. Also, the dress/gloves” appear to be pleather? latex? Looks like she’s going for a “sexy” Holly Golightly thing, which is puzzling.

The child in that purple costume looks so confused. I have two kids that are now 5 and 6, and if I ever tried to put them in such a garment, they would have had a complete meltdown. They won’t even put on a different pair of sneakers for a day!

I think she’s great!

And, yeah, Gabrielle Union looks amazing!

I’m estimating here, but something like 70% of these celebrities dressed up like...other celebrities? Really? I suppose I have to wait for our patron saint of Halloween, H. Klum to show up this tepid cluster of nothingness.

$69 billion

The book is about NBC killing the story and Farrow trying to get it published.

Yeah, I’m thinking gaslighting with some fairly-clear-in-retrospect nonconsensual sex stuff.  Kate’s dealing with some shit that goes beyond her dad dying.

I think it will have something to do with emotional abuse, leading her to spiral and feel she’s worthless. She’ll cling to him because her mom is a mess and she needs something following her dad’s death and her brothers are gone. It will go on too long, she’ll gain weight furthering his abusive nature ...

So, is Kevin now just Roma Downey in Touched by an Angel, going around the country trying to cure alcoholics, heal troubled souls and save marriages? Ugh...

That, and I’m throwing in abusive relationship as well. Probably physical. mental and emotional...

All the evidence aside, the woman who ghost wrote If I Did It says that during their interviews he would frequently drop the “hypothetical” framing language and just start saying “I did this, then I did that”.

All the plastic surgery makes her skin unable to be cut?

Okay, but OJ Simpson absolutely 100% murdered two people and got away with it.