Avada Yo Mama

so Jane would have to already have quite a fan base to merit an advance like that, right? (this feels a bit like when Girls ended with Hannah magically getting a tenure track professor position upstate)

Wait is $500,000 a reasonable amount for a novel, even if there would be TV rights? I am in the wrong line of work... 

This movie was great but the theme already felt kind of out of place in a public school full of rich kids in Ojai, CA (why would they be so judgmental?) so I don’t know how much further they can go in this vein

An Endor ride would work especially well since you could disguise/hide the track in the forest (I read that they don’t want an outdoor roller coaster in Star Wars land because it would ruin the immersive experience)

It certainly seems like she abused her position of power to get Chris alone on several occasions, including tricking him into being her dinner date, regardless of what Lorne also did wrong

I’m having a hard time watching these episodes, too (I will probably watch it when it gets to netfix). It’s not just the way the got rid of Michael (bringing him back was ultimately so pointless and harmful to his character, so, why?) but also the way Rafael treats Jane’s completely reasonable feelings for her husband

Yeah, it had a real “Frodo goes West” vibe for me, not Arya as a conquistadora 

I really can’t believe that no one in the media ever calls them out on that obvious lie - and even if his name was “tardar sauce,” it’s still a “retard” joke, because of the purposeful misspelling

I had to unfollow a lot of the healthy eating/weight loss subs - there’s always people trying to get encouragement for their ED with posts like “I’m just so full after 1000 calories/day” (but phrased as a question)

Really enjoyed this. As others have said, it of course comes down to “make more, spend less, save more,” but the details always help put the process in perspective (and are interesting and helpful). Glad you saved so much but I am not going to eat quinoa everyday to follow suit ;)

It feels like months have passed, and yet her hair has grown about one months’ worth (unless she is cutting it like that on purpose?) - the whole timeline makes no sense to me

I guess I am in the minority here, but I love Four Weddings and completely bought into Carrie/Charles’s love story from the jump. They just had this instant connection and having them get into it immediately was such a refreshing change from the usual will-they-won’t-they. And her then getting married made sense to

Why do we think Jaime is going to King’s Landing to either save her or die with her”? I thought it was pretty clear he’s going to try to kill her - he only decided to go after it became clear that no one else was going to be able to take her down (because they’re all idiots). 

I feel the same way about Rafael, and it is so weird that no one else is talking about it! It would have been 100% OK if he had been like, “I am having a really hard time with this and I think we should take some time apart” but he didn’t - he kicked her out of the house (where her son lives!), turned her child

What would be the functional difference between marrying King Jon and being his Queen and marrying not-King Jon, making him her King Jon, and being Queen? Just the illusion that she’d always get the final word in a scenario?

I assumed it as Kylo in there, and he’s always treated fights with Rey like he’s a cat batting around a mouse but not killing it, so trying to hit her with the ship instead of just shooting her makes sense. But if it’s not him, then yeah, just a set up for a cool shot

Noticing pretty obvious themes and foreshadowing is “fan theory”?

That’s how the wealth trickles down!

I watched Super Troopers in college. I laughed out loud at the cat part of this review. Review checks out.

I agree and would like to point out that the point of her being that size, at least in the books, is that Bridget is still fairly thin, not fat, but thinks she needs to lose weight. It’s relatable, at least in my experience.