Avada Yo Mama

Standing trial for cheating at a game has always kind of fascinated me because it feels like sour grapes on the part of the competition administrator that someone beat them at their own game.

My understanding of “nice guys” is that they bitch about how they are so great but women won’t show them any interest because in reality they’re actually pieces of shit. Tom likes Summer, pines over her for a bit, they date for a while, and then he’s a miserable sadsack. I think that’s pretty standard romantic

i’d say 5 Year Engagement is a better, more recent romcom. 

I cant wait to see Baby Billy clog for Jesus

Good movies leave lots of room for interpretation, but I do think the consensus that we’ve slowly been reaching over the years that Tom is some kind of avatar of toxic masculinity isn’t really fair. He actually has many traits that we associate with healthy male behavior: he’s in touch and open with his emotions, he’s

I feel like it’s a false dichotomy to say that this movie is either ‘nice guy Tom gets jerked around by manipulative shrew’ vs. ‘emotionally stunted, selfish, entitled NiceGuy(TM) Tom totally invalidates the wishes of his female counterpart’ with no middle ground.

I have friend who categorically refuses to watch rom-coms because they have all those annoying ‘feelings’ that the film maker is trying to push on you.

I forget where in the movie it happens (whether it was pre- or post-breakup), but there’s a scene I think about a lot - Tom and Summer are at a party, and Summer tells her friends that Tom is a really talented architect. And Tom (paraphrased) says, “Yeah, but I decided to write greeting cards, because I wanted to

You know how I know you’re gay? You make jokes about ska.

Also, will The Baxter ever be covered here? It’s got the They Came Together problem of not having a consistent tone for its parody but it’s still funny and Michelle Williams is incredibly cute in it.

This reminds me of a criticism I once read about Moby-Dick: “Theres too much stuff about whales in it.”

Doesn’t Tom’s sister say pretty much this?  I can’t remember the exact line, but something like, “You think just because she likes all the same weird stuff as you that she’s perfect.”

This was a movie that came around at just the right moment in my life. Saw myself in Tom and was able to get myself out of an unhealthy mindset when it came to relationships.

If you put the movie into chronological order, there is absolutely nothing interesting about it. And a little tip: if someone says they don’t want to put a “label” on what they have with you, it means they want an easy out. I don’t see how anyone could possibly miss that.

i still to this day can’t figure out if this movie is a deconstruction of manic pixie dream girl tropes, or a celebration. i feel like summer is presented as a list of tastes, with no inner life like the typical mdpg, the smiths scene is the most obvious offender, but there is an argument that tom isn’t interested in

I don’t know how anyone can watch this and think of Tom’s actions as good. I see it a lot more like a coming of age tale where he learns his lesson. The “Autumn” joke at the end is a perfect metaphor for the movie itself: He’s learned how to grow up, and he’s most likely going to make better decisions this time

I'm unable to care one bit about these people. 

Back in my day (about 30 years ago when I pledged TKE at UCLA), you could still be active if you left for a quarter for any number of reasons (work, internship, acpro [academic probation], or whatever). If you left for good and you were a member in good standing with at least 2 years under your belt (the theoretical bu

Its always embarrassing to watch a medium talent person strain towards nobility. You know she said to herself at one point “Im not naming my daughter Kate or Elizabeth like a common street walker! She shall be.....Olivia............Jade!”.

Theres always porn.