Avada Yo Mama

The path to pro/olympic tennis generally isn’t through the NCAA so there’s less focus on actual playing abilities. This is true for most sports with the exception of baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Which is why these types of scandals are almost never related to those sports. Hell, some athletes recruited

She got into Berkeley on her own but tried to cheat her way into Tulane?

And half of the people giving up custody aren’t even rich—they may be well off on paper but their entire income is stretched to the breaking point with their own student debt, elder care, tuition for other kids, saving for retirement, etc.

My son will be playing football on scholarship this fall. How do these schools not know anything about these so called student athletes?

Sorry, rant ahead.

Do we really think she and her daddy had no idea? Spoiler alert: I do not.

But... what was the plan once she showed up on campus? Was it going to turn into a gender reversed Soul Man? 

I’m STILL mad about Danny’s character assassination in The Mindy Project.

It feels like everyone in Jane’s family has at least been a minor celebrity at some point during the show. If her agent is actually worth her salt at all she’ll have played up every possible angle pitching to publishers and used every last drop of celebrity and newsworthiness to rack up a big advance like this.

I’ve been saying to my wife that they really did Michael wrong. It’s fine that he didn’t wind up with Jane, but the way they keep positioning him as an inconvenience is... not great?

oh shit, I’ve only just realized the auction was after Rose’s death at the This is Mars premiere. the criminal the book’s villain is based on dying spectacularly at a TV premiere would certainly get enormous publicity.

I know I’ve commented on this before, but I’ve always thought the actor who plays Luisa has always done such a great job portraying a deeply flawed person who genuinely loves the people in her life, but whose addictions hurt those relationships. I think a lot of people experience someone like that but you rarely see

I thought that the agent had convinced Jane that the book should be modified and sold as a telenovela treatment but it was back to a book contract this week. Did I miss something?

I’ve been finding myself disillusioned with the show for the back half of this season. I think it comes down to a few reasons:

At the very least we can all agree the pollen spells “sex” when Simba plops down.

Exactly. My high school English teacher had us watch Lion King when we were learning Hamlet, I didn’t think it was a big secret.

They also said that The Lion King was their thirty second feature film, but that movie is way longer than thirty seconds.

Yes, I remember being in the Disney Store with my wife and son when they showed the first trailer for it - and when I asked about it, the salesperson said something to the effect of “Yes, that is Disney’s new movie coming out next year, it’s based on Hamlet.” So unless the sales clerk was just a really good guesser

Why isn’t Fantasia considered an original? Because some of the songs had stories behind them? That really can’t be said if the abstract pieces... And night on bald mountain/Ave Maria (spelling? Too lazy to check) don’t sell to really have tight narratives.

I mean, it’s also just Hamlet.