Avada Yo Mama

No wider implications. I’m just calling all Fox News correspondents exceptional assholes.

Workplace Obsession Roiling Knowing-If-Nervous Gal

I kept on waiting for Fitz to be the villain and for the show to redeem itself by saying “Yes, of course he’s evil, he was sleeping with a 16 year old student guys!!!” But they.... very much didn’t do that.

I skip 99% of the musical acts because I don’t care about most of them and everybody tends to sound bad on the SNL set anyway. If the host starts singing in the monologue, they get skipped, too. I also skip the annoying blatt-and-tootle cacaphony of the theme noise (not dignifing it as a song). Also, if a sketch just

Stapleton and Simpson are easily tier 1.

I laughed out loud more during this show than the rest of the season combined (a lot of comedy amuses me more than makes me laugh). Based on that alone I’d have given this episode a solid A.

I know that it is within the realm of Kinja to have an actual commenter grade poll at the end of each of these. Every week I think that same idea. Might even garner more clicks.

I think SNL should nix live music acts in favor of more comedy.

Comedy is subjective and that’s fine of course but these grades straight up don’t make sense to me. I feel like I’d have a better shot at predicting the grade for a given SNL episode if I just threw a dart at a grading curve. It’s sort of bizarre. This was one of the funniest SNL episodes I’ve seen in quite some time.

I read the book a few years ago and if I remember correctly, I was disappointed with the book for the same reasons - a generic ending to what had been a fairly interesting story. Seems par for the course.

They tried to explain the maze. It’s basically unexplainable because it’s just so totally ridiculous, but conceptually everything leading up to that point was a pretty great thrill ride. I had no idea this was based on a book series at the time and so it was just so damn disappointing when they went into

I gave up after that 2nd movie. Ugh. So disappointing.

We paid to see a Maze Runner movie, not Die Hard 9 orOcean’s 15. Almost everything that made The Maze Runner franchise distinct and noteworthy is left on the fringes. The idea of the cure, the Flare, the mazes—all of that is mentioned occasionally, but never fully explored.

This is exactly my take. I was thrilled by the first movie until they actually left the maze. Then it felt like the worst elements of Hunger Games/Divergent and I never bothered watching Scorch Trials

The first 95% of the first film (Maze Runner) was great. The last 5% disqualified any of the sequels from ever getting any of my nickels.

That’s definitely a big factor for parents. Sometimes it’s because they have a legitimate concern and sometimes it’s because it’s something they wouldn’t like and they just use Christianity as an excuse to forbid it. Just like they do with gay marriage.

I’m younger but had similar experiences being the oldest of three. Couldn’t watch Cartoon Network (but Nickelodeon was permitted oddly, and grandpa let us watch just about whatever we wanted); had my Harry Potter books taken because ‘witchcraft’; couldn’t watch PG-13 movies or play t-rated games until I was 13-14

>by the time my younger siblings came around, Mom and Dad stopped making a big deal about that sort of stuff.

My parents were crazy restrictive about what I could and could not play/watch/listen to/read in our house. I still remember asking them if I could get Legend of Zelda for SNES one time, and they flipped out because “it promotes witchcraft.” To this day, they justify their restrictiveness because “you got to play it

I was forbidden from playing Dungeons & Dragons because it apparently encouraged children to worship the devil.