Avada Yo Mama

Yes, Prime subscription is a luxury whereby you can pay a yearly subscription to get “free” and faster shipping on many items. However, it is not appropriate to compare it to Costco’s membership fee. With Amazon, you can still shop without using Prime- the whole product catalog is available and you only have to pay

Can confirm. For a while we did a bunch of bulk shopping at Costco, but it was giving me headaches, so we switched to Peapod (Giant’s delivery grocery service). They have a tab for sales, and I absolutely saved more doing that.

My first point is absolutely not bullshit- aside from being an outright scam, forcing a customer to pay $60 - $120 dollars upfront, before being allowed to actually buy any merchandise, dissuades many people from being able to shop there simply because they cannot afford to “invest” in this initial payment. Like a

My research is admittedly limited, but from what I’ve observed, you’re better off buying at sale prices (which are plentiful; if an item you want isn’t on sale, you prob have to wait a few days and it will be) at Kroger et. al. than buying the 144-pack of whatever at Costco.

Good- thank you millennials. I fucking hate Costco. My reasons?

This is really just the result of income inequality coming home to roost. I wish I had a lot of sympathy for the corporations selling us all down the river by bribing our politicians but I’m not.

Costco actually could work for 20-somethings who are either in college or living with roommates because there are enough mouths to make a membership worth it. As a 30-something I don’t use Costco as much as I used to now that I’ve gotten my own place, though I still keep the membership mostly because I use Costco as

The free samples are precisely why I hate going to Costco. I want to get the shit I need and leave. I don’t want to spend and extra 20 minutes doing it because of all the assholes who swarm the free samples and block the goddamn aisles with their shopping carts

Parks & Recreation is one of the few sitcoms - hell, maybe one of the few TV shows, period - that actively encouraged viewers to be better people. And it didn’t do so by demonstrating how easy it is for most fundamentally good people to still behave poorly or make bad decisions in the moment. I loved how none of the

I agree that Randall buys an apartment complex is a little odd, but it does dovetail to what Beth wants to be doing as well so I can see it being something that ultimately works for them. I can’t help but wonder if we’re working toward “Big Three Homes.” Jack never got to do it, but Randall and Kevin could put money

I was pulling for the Jaguars to beat the Pats last Sunday so they’d get into the Super Bowl and maybe win it, just for what the writers would do with that in Season 3. Even if it’s just to reveal that Michael lied to Jason solely to be a dick.

There are two kinds of people in this world:

That couple isn’t the same one who Rebecca called, her phone call was a misdirect. The elderly couple gave them the crock-pot while Rebecca was pregnant, which was a flashback.

“You just know it’s gonna be Johnny Depp as Colonel Mustard”

I think the point there was to drop Will to save enough money to make a series instead of a movie - not because he was bad in it. He was pretty good, as usual, playing pretty much the same sort of action character he always does.

Even Curry camped it up in there to a terrific degree.

You never watched Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. Or Van Wilder.

What if Reynolds is Mr. Body, dies within the first 15 minutes, and is a particularly hilarious corpse prop for the remainder of the film? I’d further stipulate it has to be him playing dead in every shot—no cheating with dummies or CG.

I will only accept this if there are three random endings and you don’t know which one you are getting at the theater.

I dunno, Deadpool is totally a character actor kinda role. It just also happened to be the lead. I’m not saying it will work, just that it could.