Avada Yo Mama

Eh, the whole thing seems a bit performative, but I don’t think the medical part is that big of a deal. The parents can just tell their pediatrician what sort of bits the kid has.

We’re just going to have to agree to disagree then.

Oh fuck off, Sheesh.

If you are actually saying you wouldn’t look at a person’s resume because you would make a bunch of unfounded assumptions based on the name they were given by their parents, you need to re-evaluate your priorities and morals. That is exactly the reasoning people use to justify discrimonation against people with

Apparently it’s not unheard of for black kids to get names like mister, lawyer, and the like. I guess it’s a way for it to sound like they’re getting respect, even though they aren’t getting that respect from society.

As the article notes, having a strong case and having the money to pursue that case are not the same thing. Zillow’s case is so laughably weak (esp. bc even if this wasn’t clear fair use, Zillow doesn’t own the photos anyway) that I’m 99% sure they thought that, precisely because she IS a 23 year old woman, they could

“As a member of a cartel that wrings out 6% of the cost of your house for doing little actual work . . .”

Why? All she did was post the letter they sent. She was already contacting lawyers before she posted it. And because of this, she’s getting a lot more attention for her case. Which might actually be the thing that gets Zillow to back off.

Yeah I love arrested development and Bojack (it helps I don’t have to see his stupid fuck face) like but flaked is self-indulgent shite, one of the WORST woe-is-me I’m a rich white guy who done fucked up but is not at all interested in redeeming himself I MEAN HELLO HOW MANY FICTIONAL AND NONFICTIONAL STORES ABOUT

The girl had to be messing around and somehow got completely outside the ride and couldn’t pull herself back in. I can’t imagine any other explanation on such a slow, enclosed ride. Kids!

SO AMAZING I watched it in one sitting. I’m really excited to see the side character’s roles expand a la OITNB because they are hilarious.



Didn’t watch Girlboss, but hopefully this frees up some funds for another five seasons of GLOW. It came out on Friday, which means y’all are already two days late in watching and basking in its neon glory.

I watched both seasons and it was awful but I still enjoyed it. I have no idea how, to be honest.

I didn’t watch it, but I did live vicariously through it being torn apart on Full House Reviewed (the gold standard of all hate-watch blogs)

It’s over-the-top silly emotionally manipulation even for Pixar.

I’ve come to terms with my hate for those movies and realize it’s all placed on Tobey. I like the casting, locations, costumes, etc for every movie(sans Topher Grace) but Tobey ruins every movie for me. I wish he would have an acting coach on set yelling at him “Peter Parker isn’t a whiney little bitch” or

The obvious choice:

I don’t know why you all think Dazzler has to be played by Becky with the good hair, when there’s only one person who could play a superstar badass cultural icon with super powers.