Avada Yo Mama

Right but part of what people are making fun of her for is her multitude of lazy low hanging sex jokes.

I’d say her take is more that women are dumb/childish, with a splash of crazy. It drives me nuts that she makes animal (maybe goat?) noises to make fun of the way women talk. And one of her jokes is that men put up with women because they want to have sex with them. What an original and hilarious joke, I’ve never

One translator accidentally was given two words from the joke and was hospitalized for a month.

I love Jen Kirkman.

The old, “I only have guy friends” thing always reeks of insecurity to me. It’s like the, “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom” thing. Especially when that fact is constantly inserted into conversations in some weird, “You should know I’m a more evolved female than other females and you can tell that’s true because

I’m not completely aware of Shlesinger. I had my son 3 years ago, and basically anyone who wasn’t pretty famous by then is outside the gate I think.

Hi Iliza!!

hasn’t her shtick always been “women be crazy”?

Dwight D. Eisenhower? I hardly know her!

How many times has a woman been told that words are not prosecutable, that it takes a man “actually doing something” to prosecute?

Yeah, has there ever been better code for “I can’t get along with people!”?

She’s always been that type of woman who “doesn’t have any girlfriends, all my friends are guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Color me not shocked.

We don’t know what kind of person she is. Seems like she might be a less-bright version of Cathy from East of Eden. A fantastic character-study of a psychopath from an age when they weren’t really understood medically. If true she wouldn’t benefit. People know right from wrong at age 17. I remember having a

No one healthy eats like this. Period. This shit that is peddled in gossip mags and IG pages is not an actual diet for health. It’s a diet for starvation. I work out a LOT regularly and I’m in good shape. I eat real meals. I know women who have phenomenal looking bodies too. NONE of them eat like this. At all.

It’s so rich that she complains about the “fixation on private lives of singers” when she MILKS THAT SHIT FOR $$$$$$$$. Give me a fucking break. I mean, I don’t think famous people should be harassed, but like, if most of your musical oeuvre is based on your interactions with famous people, the public is going to

The ‘12 almonds’ killed me.

It’s petty and it may backfire. Because it reminded me of the stunt Taylor pulled on Kanye last year which was worse than petty, it was nasty. Taylor was gone for long enough that I had sorta forgotten about it, but this just reinforces the idea that she is, as Bobby mentioned, a snake emoji. Not a good look for her

This is a genuinely beautiful move by Swifty. Katy’s been running her mouth about her non-stop, trying to use the feud to drum up interest in this era (which thus far let’s be honest has been a flop), and now all she’s done is give Taylor a load of free promotion (not to mention money) with TS6 right around the corner

With all the actual issues Americans are facing, I’m finding petty pop star drama a nice palette cleanser. Passive aggressive moves ALL DAY TAY

this is so petty of swiz. love her tunes but damn let this shit die. katy perry peaked 3 years ago. shes almost done where as taylor will never go away. no need for her to intervene in perry’s natural demise.