Avada Yo Mama

Sometimes you do what you gotta do.

No. I do not co-sign.

Okay. It’s great you’re doing things to get healthy. Yay!
But first, being a fat man is very different from being a fat woman in our society. Fat women are treated abhorrently because men expect every woman in their life to be physically appealing. Fat women get worse medical care, have fewer job opportunities, and

I’m just going to start out by telling you that I have never been fat. Ever. At my heaviest I weighed 140 lbs. (Steroids for illness.) That was fifteen years ago in high school. Since then I have weighed between 105 - 135 lbs. (I am 5'5 btw and the low weight was due to anorexia.)

Yeah, what the hell happened there? If her personality when no one is around to see her (that she knows of) is to slink out of her clothes in a ridiculously dainty fashion then where the hell does the slouching burping behavior come from? If her default personality is slouching and burping then why is she doing the

A) There are dozens of legitimate medical problems that will result in obesity no matter what extremes the patient goes to in order to not “choose” to be fat. They’re also none of your damn business, so unless you plan on making people with PCOS, hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance, Cushings, Prader-Willi, etc, etc,

Ah, another expert who knows the truth of how metabolism and body weight works. Pshaw to those who say edema, PCOS, thyroid disease, and various other ailments cause weight gain regardless of caloric intake! What do they have going for them besides peer reviews and empirical evidence! No, no, all y’all doctors and

It can’t be more than 1% of fat people who are fat because of some real medical issue.

You can also drink Vitamin water and eat carrot sticks every day and still not be skinny.

My point is not all fat people are lazy, gluttonous, and disgusting. Other factors such as medication, metabolic rate, hormones, and health conditions can also come into play. There are “fat” people who exercise more and are healthier than some skinny people. The world isn’t black and white.

I wanted to like this. I wanted to love it... but I found the first two episodes so intolerably dull I couldn’t go on. It had a very student film feel... like it had some interesting ideas, but was way too caught up in its characters endless day-to-day banalities (possibly due to budget).

Did I miss something? Did I

And even if someone IS lazy or a slob why the hell should some rando take it upon themselves to shame them? I don’t run up to smokers and rip ciggies from their mouths and snap them in half— that’s gauche as fuck. Sorry, this other guy just sounds insufferable.

Of course the “skinny” version of Snow White elegantly takes off her earrings and seductively unzips her dress, while the “fat” version splays herself on the couch, gulps her drink, and burps. Because being fat also turns you into someone lazy, gluttonous, and disgusting. *shakes head*

You do realize that not every fat person is fat because they’re lazy slobs like you & I are, don’t you? (Although kudos to you for fixing your problem. I’m working on it, but at my age, it’s a little harder every year)

Lol, of course the first comment is the “BUT WOMEN JUDGE MEN ON THEIR HEIGHT” guy.

Tangent but opportunity to vent: In 2001 I was on a first date — a confident, successful, and very heavy woman with a smart, attractive man at my side — when the trailer for Shallow Hal appeared on the screen. A couple minutes of people almost gagging at the idea of a (heavy, sloppy) guy falling for a fat girl,

To me, her only likeable manifestation has been Margot Tennenbaum.

Let’s put “very attractive” in finger quotes.

She’s the Ivanka Trump of Hollywood as far as I’m concerned: privileged and clueless.

and the kicker “I’m not saying I’m attractive. I mean when you’re considered attractive.”