It’s the Miss USA pageant (the Trump-owned one), so...yes. It is pretty much about looks, with an interview question that the top 5 hottest answer
It’s the Miss USA pageant (the Trump-owned one), so...yes. It is pretty much about looks, with an interview question that the top 5 hottest answer
Why stop at ova and sperm?! The children I imagined I would have, back in high school (you know, at 26 or 27, after 5 or so years of marriage LOL), Davy and Avaleigh, ARE PEOPLE TOO NOW.
I’m going to stand up for Louisiana (for the 5 minutes or so before their courts likely fuck this up) and say that just because he filed the case there doesn’t necessarily mean that LA has a legal framework to support his claims. You can file whatever you damn well please in any court in the US.
Co-ed issues aside, how are these small liberal arts colleges just now having financial difficulties? There are more people going to college than ever before. And tuition has risen leaps and bounds ahead of inflation at nearly all (Mary Baldwin’s is $30,000/year which is actually pretty cheap compared to other small…
What makes one a “Trump surrogate”? Is she paid by the Trump campaign to speak? Or is it just anyone on Trump’s side?
wait was it recent? oh you know what I was confusing the rental with the time that James Marsden (?) moved into Lily’s playhouse
The economics of Modern Family are so confusing to me. Cam and Mitchell at least make some sense, as they rent half their house. But, of all things, closets? He has seemingly unlimited wealth from...closet design?
Yeah - I mean, obviously the Goldberg kids have to have all the popular 80's toys because of the nostalgia factor, but it does not paint a “blue collar” picture
Nashville (the show) is hardly blue collar. American Housewife is about how they live in a super-rich community (even though they’re “renters” as though that makes some huge difference - nobody’s renting you a house for less than the mortgage on that house). Those others, though, OK (although ABC, outside of The…
I hadn’t heard of an Ace Hardware thing?
So he should do nothing because it might be reversed? While people freeze and the military that Obama commands issues the eviction notice that empowers local government to block supplies and emergency services?
Fuck Donald Trump. But he’s not the sitting President, a man who has the power to actually do something right now for these protesters, and who has not (besides vaguely stating that they’ll look into alternate routes).
She’s pretty in the way that “pretty” anymore is a set of skills (very thin; overly made-up; hair dyed, long, and wavy/loosely curled; etc.) and not something you’re necessarily born with.
Purple shampoo and deep conditioning treatments, Tomi. If I’ve got to look at your bigoted face at least don’t make me look at that high-school-friend-did-it-in-the-gym-bathroom-afterschool bleach job surrounding it.
I’m seriously so jealous that I didn’t think of this first.
I went to London and did not pay any attention to the royal family. Did go to the Globe and several museums, pubs, stores, restaurants, and even ice skated. Guess I did it wrong? ;)
If she planted it, it would def mention her athletic clothing line - does it?
I love the “legal” bubbles as well. This is how I imagine it goes down:
Not sure what your point is, but you seem angry
I feel like the lie is the only creepy part of that. If you are in his situation, it would make sense to want a partner (isn’t there some sort of “we need to save the ship!” scenario, too?), and wouldn’t you want that person to be someone you’d get along with? But, just, like, research them, choose one, and then just…